Prank Gone Wrong

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Note: If there are any mistakes, please let me know. Hope you enjoy reading!!

TW: panick attack

Steve switched on the camera.

"Hi guys! Welcome to my YouTube channel! I am Steve Rodgers and I have prepared another Stony special, since you really liked the last one! Let's get into it."

Steve had created his YouTube channel four year ago. At that time, he hadn't known it would make him this famous. But he never regretted his decision. He had a nice fanbase, a loving boyfriend and just everything he had ever wished for.

"Today, we are going to prank Tony." Steve continued in explaining his video. He saw that recently it was very popular to prank your significant other and he couldn't miss the boat. And on top of that, it was a great excuse for actually teasing Tony a bit.

Steve smirked. He couldn't wait for his boyfriend's reaction.

It took him very long to choose the right prank to do. He had watched about ten hours of content before he made the final decision. Some ideas seemed a bit too much for Steve, like pretending to be dead or cheating.

"I am going to pretend, that I am moving back to Washington D.C., where I had lived before meeting Tony. Are you guys curious how he will react? Because I definitely am!" exclaimed Steve. He was always exaggerating his emotions for the video but today he was really hyped up.

It was getting dark outside, which meant, that Tony would get home soon. Steve had prepared everything. He had hidden the cameras in the bedroom and found a big suitcase with some clothes in it. He had even messed with the wardrobes a bit so it seemed like he was going through them to find all of his clothing. Everything was set and now the only thing that was left to do, was to wait.

Steve was sitting on the bed, prepared to start packing, when Tony comes home. His hands were shaking a little. He didn't think he would be this nervous.

"Steve, honey, I'm home!" he could hear Tony shouting his name. This was the moment. Steve started grabbing every piece of clothing he could get his hands on and putting it in the suitcase. As Tony's footsteps got closer to the bedroom, Steve couldn't stop the shaking of his hands anymore. Damn it, why was he so nervous, it was just a prank!

When Tony had reached the bedroom, he stopped at the door. Steve looked at him with hands full of crumpled clothes. Tony quickly investigated the room with his eyes. His face had shown a lot of emotions before it ended on terryfyied and confused. "Steve?" said Tony so quietly that Steve wasn't sure, if he hadn't imagined it.

There was no turning back now, even though Steve wanted to hug Tony so much, he decided to continue on with his act. He threw the clothes in the suitcase and wanted to close it. He was stopped by Tony's hand.

"Baby, talk to me! What the hell happened? Did I do something? Are you leaving? Why?" Tony's voice was getting quieter and quieter. It lacked its confidence, the sarcasm, the spark. Just everything that made Tony, the Tony Steve had known. It sounded broken.

Steve didn't know how to react. He wasn't sure if he should keep acting or comfort Tony. He had never seen his boyfriend to be like this. But he didn't break the act for the sake of his video.

"I am moving back to Washington."

"Wha-? Why? Whatever it is, we can solve it, right? You don't have to leave me, please Steve. I- I'll be a better boyfriend, I promise." Tony's voice cracked.

Steve tried to go out of the room, but was stopped by Tony hugging him tight. "Please, no, baby, I'll change I promise. Whatever I did, tell me, I can fix it." Steve froze when he felt his neck getting wet. He made Tony cry. Guilt flooded his mind: this wasn't supposed to go so far.

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