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Belle devoted her whole day to sleep. She only roused when hunger pangs hit, then dropped back off. When she woke the next morning, she dialed into work and requested time off for the week citing an unspecified illness. Thankfully, her boss granted her the leave. Having eaten her breakfast she resumed her sleep.

Belle was unaware as to how much time had passed as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep. However, she could tell that she enjoyed her slumber when she opened her eyes. Her gaze was instantly met by the sight of her opened window, stunning her as she realized it was already afternoon and raining outside. This must have been why she was able to relax a bit more, as the cold and damp atmosphere had likely contributed to her long slumber. It is nice to take a nap when it's raining.

Suddenly, she felt a heavy weight on her legs, making her gasp in surprise. When she looked down, she was astonished to find a large thigh clasped around her. Her shock increased when her gaze shifted further to take in an arm that had snaked around her waist. Recognizing the arm and the person it belonged to, she quickly spun around to find Michael sleeping soundly beside her.

A wave of joy washed through her heart as her eyes shot open. She couldn't believe what she was seeing--- he was here in Paris when he was supposed to be in Kansas working on his upcoming concert. Surely it was just a dream brought on by loneliness and longing for him to be near her. She reached out to touch his cheek, but when she felt the warmth coming from his skin, she knew he wasn't an illusion. He was real!

Oh, God!

Her heart swelled with joy. She felt like crying but chose to keep her tears in, not wanting to disturb his well-deserved slumber. He looks tired.

She settled back into place and examined him carefully. God, he was so perfect! With gentle affection, she touched his cheek and gazed at him in longing. To her, Michael Jackson was a definition of divine beauty, his sex appeal was undeniable. But, before she could even bring her face closer to kiss him, his eyes shot open and she quickly withdrew.

"Sorry---I thought you were asleep---" She was barely able to get the words out when he abruptly embraced her and placed a passionate kiss on her lips. It felt as if he was consciously pulling away all the oxygen from her lungs. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally drew away, but the intense desire between them remained, leaving them both breathless.

As their foreheads touched, he softly uttered, "Hi there, gorgeous," expressing his deep longing, "I missed you,"

Belle felt a warmth in her eyes, the beginnings of tears threatening to show. Michael's teasing laughter made her heart swell and a smile tugged at her lips, though her eyes still seemed reluctant to dry up. He gently cupped her cheeks and gave her forehead a sweet kiss before drawing her close in a warm embrace. "Hey, you haven't told me that you missed me too," he said, his lips curving in a grin.

Belle embraced Michael in return. Taking in the heavenly scent of his expensive perfume she knew that she would never tire of it. With so much tenderness she spoke, "I missed you too, Michael...". Raising her chin so she could meet his eyes, she pouted and asked for her kiss.

Michael chuckled and obliged. "Such a baby," he murmured.


Belle pondered her predicament. Should she make known to Michael that she was pregnant now, or wait until after dinner? After a few moments of contemplation, she made up her mind to say it after their meal.

Noticing that she had gone quiet, Michael asked, "What's on your mind?" Suddenly remembering something, a look of concern came across his face. "Hold on, Janet told me yesterday that you weren't feeling well," he said, the worry evident in his voice. "Shall I take you to the doctor?" Belle's face had a pallor to it and though she was trying to smile, it was clear she was not in the best of health.

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