Taking care of her (TCOH) (SJ)

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Scarlett and you were together for almost three years now, since you got cast in Civil War. It's been a tough year with filming Infinity War and Endgame almost simultaneously. But now it's over and everyone on the cast avenger was at RDJ's home to celebrate.

You're sitting next to Lizzie and Hiddleston smiling like your heart wasn't breaking at each breath you were taking. You were waiting for this moment for a week now, and it was more and more difficult to keep your act together.

"Time for a toast." Robert stands up from his seat at the head of the table with his glasses in hand. "I want to congratulate every one of you, it's been a crazy year but we manage to film two incredible movies that are going to blow up the charts. Thank you for making this cast a family. Now I'm not going to take all your time, Y/n has something to say too." Robert point at you with his glass and you stand up.

"Like RDJ said we're all a family now, old cast and new one. It's been fantastic to meet all of you and I'm really grateful to count everyone as my friend." You started looking around the table, your eyes stop on your girlfriend who's next to Renner and Evans in front of you. "I'm especially grateful for my close friend Seb. You're a lucky bastard you know that. You took good care of my girlfriend while I couldn't, to the point you would fuck her in our bed because I was away filming it's so thoughtful of you." You continue in a fake sweet voice.

Every smile around the table falls and for most of the cast, their forks seem really interesting. Sebastian's head falls in shame while Scarlett looks at you shocked. You chuck down your glass in one gulp and take the bottle to serve yourself another one drinking it immediately. "What are you surprised uh honey? That I said it in front of everyone or that I know about it? Aw is that a tear?" You were going to take another glass of alcohol but a hand stops, your childhood friend looks at you with sadness in her eyes.

"I think you had enough." Lizzie mumbled getting up, you shake your head trying to get out of her grip. "Oh please, I had enough? She's here weeping big fat crocodile tears, while I wept real tears a week ago. She let him fuck her in Our bed and I should be the one to shut up! Some hypocrite family we've got here uh." You shout at Scarlett who was now looking at you with horror her silent tears not stopping.

"I know, I know come on I'll take you home." Lizzie patted your chest, she knew you were hurting and she didn't want you to lose it in front of everyone. You hated to appear weak in front of people you know. "I hope you know that this means we're over." You spat toward your now ex-girlfriend.

"Come on darling let's go." Tom said getting the bottle out of your hand to help Lizzie. Even if you never had to film a scene together you had a connection when Lizzie filmed I saw the light with him. Both of you became quick friends. "Y/n I-" Scarlett started but stop herself when practically everyone in the room glared at her.

"You've done enough." Lizzie spat coldly, if looks could kill Scarlett would be dead by now. Tom pulls you out of the room with Lizzie and Robert on your heels. Scarlett gets up to follow you but Evans stops her with a hand around her wrist. "Not now." He spoke softly disappointed in his friend.

"I'm sorry Robert that I ruined your party." You mumbled getting your coat on with the help of Lizzie. "Hey it's fine, it can't be a dinner party if we don't have some drama. You go take care of yourself, I'll call you later okay?" He lightly joked before taking you in a small hug.

"Thanks." The three of you leave the house Tom driving while Lizzie sits in the backseat with you. You finally broke down crying on your friend's shoulder. Your sobs were breaking both of your friend's hearts but they didn't know what to do so Lizzie just held you in her arms. "I've got you." She whispered kissing your hair.

When you arrived at your house Tom make sure no paparazzi were around before coming to open your door. "Here we go. You're alright." He steadies you in his arms when you stumble over your own feet. Lizzie opened the door with the spare keys that you gave her in case of emergency.

NR, SJ, EO, and WM x reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now