Part 1.

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I was laying on the roof of my house thinking of nothing but the moon, and how beautiful it is. It was a warm night with a clear sky. The Leaf village had many sites to see but the prettiest ones are the ones where only few can see. I usually don't come up to the rooftop unless I needed some air or felt trapped in my house.

Tonight I just felt trapped so I snuck on the rooftop and laid down staring and the big bright moon. After a while I get tired and starts heading back in but not before I hear the sound of footsteps down below on the street. I lower to a crouch and watch as the figure walks down the graveled street.

I follow the strange person. We pass shops, houses, even Ikebukuro's Raman shop. He doesn't seem to notice me.

I stay back just enough to where he cant feel presence. That does not stop me heart from racing, im worried that he can here it from over there. As we reach the outskirts of the village a house comes into view. He walks up to the door but doesn't open it he just turns and looks in my direction.

I quickly hide behind a little shed on front of the house.
"Come out" I hear his low voice tell me making me get goose bumps all along my arms. I don't respond.

Suddenly I feel the rough feeling of sand wrap around my wrist and ankles. And the sand brings me out into the open in front of him. I wince at the pain of the sand moving around my wrist and ankles tearing at my skin.

"Why are you following me" He asked.
"Who are you" I manage to ask while opening my eyes, he doesn't respond but instead he hardens the grip of the sand around my joints.

"What are you doing following me? This this my last time asking nicely"
".....Nothing, I swear I was just following you cause you where walking alone in the middle of the night and I've never seen you before" I reply

He looks me up and down before putting me down. But his sand makes me get on my knees on the hard ground. There isn't much around where we are so screaming and fighting would be pointless.

He's way to strong and stealthy for me. He managed to sneak up on me and grab me. Sigh I put my head down and accept my fate. Focasing on a black, white and yellow catapiler right in front of me, I watch as it takes a bit out of grass and starts eating like thares no tomorrow. If I where him i would do the same for there no tomorow from me.

I hear him get closers with light footsteps. I don't look up to face him I'm to scared too and instead I just focuse on the caterpillar as it continues to eat away at the grass in front of me. His footsteps get closer until he's standing right in front of me, he stops but I don't look up instead I keep watching the caterpillar thinking of how on day it will become a beautiful butterfly and eventually die.

After a minute had passed I start wondering why am I still alive, shouldn't have killed me already?. He starts moving again making me flinch and close my eyes. Seconds later I hear a squishing sound which makes me open my eyes, and when I open my eyes I see his foot retreat back to his side and I look and see the dead caterpillar.

Just then the sand that was once wraped around my wrist and ankles retreat to the gored on his back that seemed to be made of sand. I don't think to much about it cause a soon as I'm free from the sand I move my (h/c) hair out my face, turn my head and throw up.

After I'm done I wipe the side of my face with my jacket sleeve and look up at him with letting a shade of red cross over my face. He doesn't seem pleased but he also it doesn't look to mad.

"That caterpillar was deadly" He says in a cold voice making me shiver
"What?" I say making the shade of red on my face turn to confusion completely forgetting about how i just throw up in front of him.

He grabs me by the arm and walk me into the house some lights where still on. He closed the door quietly, but that did not seem to stop two people from noticing him. They walking up to him with a confused look.

"Gaara, who is she?" The the guy wearing all black with a weird think on his back asked as he came closer. His name must be Gaara I look up at him for a secound looking at his short red hair, thats all I got to take in before I could feel the blond headed girl looked aggravated as she stared at me, I could feel her gaze as she walk up to me.

Just as the girl is just a few feet away, Gaara who is still keeping a firm grip on my arm makes me move behind him. Swinging me like I'm some toy doll I look mad but at this point I point I don't think it matters anymore.

I did warn you it was terrible, but if you like it please keep on reading.

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