Welcome to Gravity Falls

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Your POV

It was the middle of the summer and all I did was stay inside. That's why my parents decided to send me away.  Like this, they could also go on holiday without being bothered by me. 

So anyway, I was bored out of my mind. The bus was late, and all I could think of was how long I am going to wait before I have to wait even more to get to this mysterious, unknown town. Not that I wanted to spend my summer in a place full of strangers, but again, I was so bored!

When the bus finally arrived I took my bag and entered. I looked around the small, empty place. "Oh, this is just great, 6 hours in this dirty, old bus will be so much fun!" I muttered to myself while trying (and failing) to untangle my earphones. Apparently, I spoke too loud as the bus driver heard me and glared. I just ignored him, and after (finally) untangling my earphones I started listening to Ever After, the song cheering me up instantly. 

After about 5 hours I am even more bored than I was before. Because of that I ended up eating all my snacks and drinking all my water in the first 30 minutes after my trip started. And now I am hungry. I will probably starve before I get there. But that doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I won't have to spend my time someplace where I don't know anyone and on top of that, probably without wi-fi. Speaking of which, I just hope I can convince Aunt Susan to install a router. I would probably go crazy if I stay 2 months without animes or Tumblr

After some time my phone died, so I looked outside the window. There were trees everywhere. In the distance I could see a cliff in the shape of a UFO. 'That's interesting!' I thought. Maybe this summer won't be that boring after all. 

"The next stop: Gravity Falls. We arrive in 10 minutes!" The bus driver said. Outside a big sign could be seen. "Welcome to Gravity Falls." It read with big, green letters. Another thing was written below. "Nothing to see here folks" I chuckled quietly to myself, confirming once again the thought I had before: Maybe this summer won't be that boring after all.

Other than the bus driver and me, there were other 2 people on the bus when we arrived. From the looks of it I was the only one stopping at this station. I took my bag and left the bus, not knowing what would await me in the small town by the name of Gravity Falls. The bus stop was empty except for the lady in the pink dress, with big grey hair and one eye closed. Aunt Susan was waiting for me. 

"Aunt Susan, I am so happy to see you!" I said while running up to her and hugging her tight. I really liked her ever since I was a little kid. But I guess that's because she always brought me sweets whenever she visited. "Oh, me too, dear! " She hugged me back. She took a step back and looked at me. "You've grown so big. I bet the boys are fighting over you, now! Wink!" I laughed at her attempt to wink with one eye, while blushing a little at the embarrassing thing she just said. "Come, I will show you your home for the rest of the summer." And with that I followed her to her house. 

The walk to the house wasn't long, but I had enough time to take in the surroundings. This town had a different feel than my hometown. I also had a feeling someone was watching me. But, whenever I would turn around, nothing was there, which made me push the feeling away. 

I don't know what I was expecting when I arrived at the house, but certainly not this. Before me stood a two story house, made of wood and looking like it would crumble any minute. The door had cat scratches on it and a small cat door at the base. The garden was small, but even so it was obvious that no one took care of it. The roof was patched and it looked like the water was leaking while raining. 

My aunt unlocked the door and we entered. Inside, I saw a big room with about 10 cats in there. I liked cats, but I never thought about living in a house with so many of them. I'll have to make sure I close my door, so I won't end up with cat poop in my room. "I'm so glad you are going to live with me, dear!" My aunt said with a big grin on her face. I smiled back. "I will show you your room!" I followed her upstairs where I saw a big corridor with a few doors. We went to the furthest one and entered it. The room was large, with a window on one side. In the middle there was a bed with no sheets. Near it, a small nightstand and across the bed an office table with a  lamp and a lot of drawers. In the corner, there could be seen a closet and a door that leads to a small bathroom. 

"It's not much, but I hope you like it!" Aunt Susan said as he closed the windows and turned on the lights. "I love it! Thank you!" I said with a smile on my face, which she copied. "Alright, I will bring you some bed sheets. You can start unpacking if you want." As she left I threw my bag on the bed and looked out the window. The town center could be seen clearly from where I was standing. The "Gravity Malls" was what surprised me the most. I didn't think this small town could have a mall. A little further in the woods there was a big, blue tent which apparently they were bringing down, for some reason. 

I turned around as my aunt entered the room, while bringing me the sheets and pillows. I thanked her and started unpacking. I put all my clothes in the closet, and my electronics on the table. The posters which I brought, without knowing why I did, found themselves on the walls. I put my bag under the bed and with a sigh I let myself fall on it.

 I was so tired. But the hunger was bigger, so I went downstairs to find Aunt Susan with dinner on the table. We both ate while telling stories and hearing about the things that happened in this town before I was here. How this Gideon kid  fooled everyone and how his schemes were unraveled by the man called Stan Pines. We talked a lot about this guy, or actually my aunt talked a lot about him while I pretended to listen. Because of that, the only thing I got from this conversation was that Aunt Susan went out with him and for some reason he didn't call her back after. I don't blame him, to be honest. 

After dinner,  I took a shower, changed into my pajamas and went to sleep. I couldn't wait for the next day, so I could go explore the new place which I already took a liking to. 

A/n I started editing every chapter, starting with this one. Somehow 300 words turned into almost 1200 and a lot has changed from the original. Anyway, thanks for reading, and 'till next time don't kill anyone ;) ~Faller21ro

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