!!<< Chapter One >>!!

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It was the First day of 8th grade and Tamia started school today. Tamia wore two buns in her hair, a oversized uniform shirt and a tight skirt that was appropriate with Velcro shoes. She was hoping to find some new friends at this school so she won't be lonely. ~~𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑓𝑎𝑠𝑡~~

"Hmm.... What cereal do I want today?" "Maybe 𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑠?" ~~grabs box~~ || pours in bowl ||

~~grabs a spoon ~~ ~starts chewing very loudly ~

"Stop smacking" || Mom ||  "Sorry" || Tamia ||

Her mom dropped her off at school and she waited in the line with Tamia so that can go in the building. Tamia was a little nervous because she thought people would think she would be weird and a bad person. She didn't like her old school and this new school will change her, guarantee that. She then walked inside the school and went to her class. Everybody stared at her; laughing and with mugging faces. Her teacher Ms.Wolf introduced her to the class.

"Good Morning Everybody! I hope you'll had a great summer and now it is time for your last middle school year of learning. Today we have a new student and her name is Tamia Walker" || Ms.Wolf ||

Tamia wanted to introduce herself so bad but she was just too scared and people were already laughing at her.

"Uh- , H-hi everyone, My name Is Tamia and my favorite color is green. I like to do math & I write poems." || Tamia ||

She just quickly ran to her seat and waited for class to start. She began to flick pencils in the air and draw all over her desk. Ms.Wolf felt like she getting a little beside herself already but Tamia just wouldn't listen to her. She had this weird tone in her voice that literally nobody liked. As Ms.wolf started teaching Tamia yawned very loudly and disrespectfully.

"Tamia, get out" || Ms.Wolf ||

Damn..... she got kicked outta class already? And it's just the first day, and she the new girl? I didn't expect this from Tamia.

She got sent to the office and waited for the lady to come from making copies. There was Another boy sitting in the office just staring at Tamia.


~~Tania tried not to catch his eye but she got nervous~~

~~ she looked at him and waved at him~~

~~he waved back at her and licked his lips~~

OOOOOHHHHH I JUS LOVE WHEN FINE ASS BOYS DO THE STARE + LICK LIPS COMBO. MAKE ME WANNA CUM IN MY PANTS. Lol, let me stop, but I think Tamia finds this boy attractive. He had a curly fade, he was real tall, he had braces, he's light skin and he looked real good in his uniform. Come to find out, this is another girl's boyfriend in her class. But why would he tease Tamia like that if he has a girlfriend. Very weird but anyways let's focus back on the class part.

There was another girl in her class who didn't like her because of the way she acted and she was being over dramatic inside the classroom. This girl name was Amira. She's light skin, had long hair, big lips, cute eyes, and she wore cute clothes. She talked bad about Tamia. Hopefully no drama wasn't gonna start because school just started. Amira knew that her boyfriend was in the office and she wanted to go check on him but Ms.Wolf, she would not let her leave. Even if she had to go to the bathroom. I think Ms.Wolf hates Amira. Or maybe she didn't want her to miss nothing that had to be copied down from the board and she was not gonna go back over it.

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