Uncompleted canvas

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Hello Everyone! Thanks for reading my book this is the rough draft don't really know if I'm going to continue it let me know!!!!
©️All right reserve to Me 

***Aurora pov

My thoughts were Destroying me I tried not to think but the silence was a killer too, months went
by not a single day had I thought of you, Maybe I'm heartless like you said, or maybe I'm just tired of being tired that my mind physically can't reach its peak of thinking of you. I never searched for the feeling that destroyed us in the end maybe because deep down I knew that even though I wanted to be Loved I didn't deserve it. I lied when I said I was Okay, a smile can hide so much pain even if I was deceived into thinking I was okay or simply I was enough. I was never good at telling people how I feel, losing that grasp of understanding what anger was, my mind was filled with so many voices that realistically I forgot what it is to be lonely, My soul was broken with no piece put together I never saw it as empty. A piece of me died, slowly, slowly. Slowly until I was out of air There's a reason why I kept it all inside but it's unknown to me.
The smell of paint plastered all over the enormous room with the white walls, the sunlight beam through the window shining a beautiful golden light on the glossy floor. Sitting in front of an enormous white canvas in front of me with my black tank top on and some back leggings with my covered with paint sneakers as I stare blankly for what has been a few hours or so, finally sighting in defeat brushing the brush against the canvas making them become one with each other as I let my mind lead me through a journey of me not knowing the ending of it anymore. Time passed by though it was not of the focus, dropping the brush down stepping back absorbing the brush strokes, the oil color patterns on the canvas the trace of a shape of a face with the feature but the mixtures of the colors surrounding the face with no features.
(Com k a Exan  te nig d a ras e s n el)
"So much for Happy thoughts"
As I begin to pack my things the footsteps echo through the hallways, not missing a beat. I've come to the conclusion of who it is that is behind those double doors. Some would probably think I'm a psychopath for knowing people's footsteps, as the doors open there stood Lalina the word beautiful itself is an insult to her features for she is beyond beautiful truly an elysian art. Her chocolate golden skin compliments every piece of fabric she wears despite her not trying too hard. She has on a simple black vest that goes up to her toned thighs with some black stilettoes, Her gold small rounded hops sculptures her small face making her look like a model

without trying to tie her hair up into a tight bun like a small gold rose necklace hangs around her neck, Hanging h around her elbow is her black designer purse.
Seeing her bright smile lights up a whole room, Marching towards me there she stood her 5'3 self meanwhile I am 5'5.
"Before you say anything hear me out" Lalina spoke
All knowingly I know she has done something which will either get me in trouble or herself in trouble, although she looks like an angel her actions have caused us all great trouble she means no harm.
"You do realize those words bring me horror," I said while zipping my bag and bringing it to my shoulders
"Let me carry them for you, You're tired it is the least I can do" she offered
"Speak Lalina"
Raising her hand in surrender as I wait for her to speak
" I might have accidentally agreed on your behalf to Ms.Jasna that she can auction off "Toska piece " She whispered
"WHAT?!! Tell me you're lying Lina"
"I'm sorry I thought she was talking about your other piece. I got the names mixed up and now you hate me which I completely understand cause I would hate myself too if I were you I will make it up to you, Ill-" cutting her off
"Can you please just be quiet"
Nodding her head like a bubblehead she zips her lip making me smirk slightly.

"I'll go talk to Ms.Jasna tonight" at the Art museum the auction is
"That will be an issue because it was a private buyer the sale was finalized today" She states "Okay," I said
"That's it? You're not mad" She asks
"I'll get it back since it's mine," I said walking out of the art room.
Art isn't easy, especially when I have to strip my brain to create something that is good enough for people to look at for a few seconds and then walk away from it. My art pieces are like that they tell a story from the perspective you perceive, I feel nothing when I draw nor do they ever speak to me but somehow it manages to keep me sane, and for once in my life my latest art piece Toska made me feel something, maybe it's the immense ache for nothing and everything all at once that anguish from the bottom of my heart that causes me to be attached to it or maybe it is 'also and perhaps' that got me hanging on to it not letting anyone see that side of me that is still unknown to me for the first time ever I was afraid of being exposed.
The rains violently fall as I walk toward the biggest Mansion on the unfamiliar block I dragged my legs through the petals of water that drenched my legging and my shirt which I am sure is see-through right now, reaching the gate I press the bell
"How Can I help you?" it answered
" I am here to see Mr.Malachi Hades" I replied
" And who are you might I ask?" she questions
I'm Aurora Dream I'm the artist of the piece he had brought from the gallery" I mentioned
Silent falls for a short while till she spoke again" Mr.Hades is currently unavailable as of this moment perhaps tomorrow Morning You can catch him before he leaves" she said
Bawling my hand in annoyance I did not come here in the rain to have Mr high and mighty not spare me 2 minutes of his time.
" I understand that but I really need to talk to him it is really urgent" I begged 'I'm sure it is miss tomorrow is only a few hours away" she stated

Okay, smart ass calming myself I spoke one more time " It would be better if I were to talk to Mr.Malachi myself " I continued " and I said he is not available" She snapped Okay this lady is pissing me off " and I said I don't care I need to speak to him now" I shouted " Listen, lady, I'm sorry if I am being a pain to you but I will not leave here until I speak to this Malachi guy" I Insisted. "Security will be out to get you to leave the premises" She threatened I ought to slap this lady, give me patience for it is running out I thought. Laughing at her statement" I'll give them hell" I declared "Come on in Mr.Hades will see you now" She said " Thank you" I said waiting for the gates to open and walk toward the mansion 'well I know I'm going to be sick as a dog tomorrow' Reaching the door waiting for it to open raising my hand to knock but someone beat me to it a girl around the same age as me with tan skin with long blonde hair, rolling her eyes in annoyance she moved over to allow me to enter. "Mr.Hades will see you in his library follow me " She mumbled not waiting for me to answer she walked toward the enormous staircase, seriously how loaded is this guy. The walls of the house are white as snow as the giant chandelier hangs from the ceiling making the rays of the light look like diamonds. Reaching the top I continue to follow Ms.too good for this into a giant double door knocking on the door she waits till she hears "Come in" until she turns to me and nodded her head and walked away, opening the double door seeing Malachi standing near the end of the room with a book in his hands, seeing that I am present in the room his eyes stare at me for a while he slowly walks towards me not taking his eyes off of mine until he is hovering over me his about 6'5 tall Chocolate caramel skin with curly hair, his dress in a simple black shirt making his shoulder wider with black pants, indeed he is handsome like Ms.Jasna said backing up a little I stares blankly at him as he smiles reaching his hand for me to grab.
" Malachi Hades," He said
" Aurora Dreams"
I replied letting go of his hand as he glance down at me looking in confusion at what he is
staring at to see indeed my shirt is see-through great.
"I'll call Lili To bring you something to change into" He offers to shake my head no " It's alright I'll be out of your hair soon," I said
"I insist," he said
"And I Said I was okay" I challenged him as he raised his eyebrows in confusion
" You would rather sit in wet clothes rather than change into something warm?" he questions
"I would rather we get on with what it is I came to talk to you about" I snapped "with your tone my love we're not going to get nowhere" he snapped back

"The piece that was sold to you is a piece that is not for sale, I will compensate for the error we made on our end I just need that piece back" I confessed waiting for his reply until he shakes his head and chuckles
"May I ask what is so funny?" I ask
"Ms. Jasna did say you were one of a kind I thought she was only talking about your work," He said waiting for him to get to the point "I'm not following," I said,
" what were you feeling when you created the Toksa piece?" He asks staring deeply into my mind as if he can find the answer if I stare at him any longer shifting my eyes away from him "I'm sorry what?" I ask
"What were you feeling," he asked again
" I'm not sure why you asking I just want it back" I replied
" Give me an answer and it is yours no compensation required" he offers how can I answer him when I don't know the answer myself
"I can't recall," I said
" Do you lie a lot, Ms. Aurora?" he asks "I'm not sure what you are getting at sir' I said "It's only a question?" he said
"one I don't have to answer" I replied
" I would take it as yes then" he answered
" Take it however to you like Mr.Malachi I simply just came for the painting not talk about my feeling to a stranger that I do not know or which to know" I snapped
" Ahh so You wish to get to know me" he smirked " I just said the opposite of what you said," I said
" You could have had ms. Jasna discuss the mix-up with me about the art piece where we never had to meet but yet here you are" He said,
" You are so full of yourself to think of all that," I said
he burst out laughing "I will give you the Toksa piece back," he said sighting in relief finally I can go home now " Okay Great Ms.Jasna will take care of the Compensation tomorrow-" he cut me off "I'll give you the piece when you have the answer to my question" He slowly leans in close to my ears he continues " and Like I told you before Aurora Dream I don't need the money."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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