As Fleeting As Summer Rain

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He came suddenly, like a strong gust of wind on a sunny day. He arrived with a gleam in his emerald green eyes, eyes that burned more intense than any fire could. His eyes were not the only things that seemed to be ablaze. His orange hair, a color which children usually colored their drawings of fire was just as intense as his eyes. In summary, he himself seemed to be on fire. He came with a blinding smile upon his face, and his hands prepared to play my heartstrings. Sadly, though, our love seemed to be as fleeting as summer rain.


The bell above the café door rings loudly in protest as I exit, having ended my shift at the local café. The hotness of the air is muted by the coolness of the falling rain, rain that has now shifted from a mist to a downpour. If it weren't for my trusty bright red umbrella, I would probably already be drenched. With a heavy sigh, I start to walk home, my feet frequently having no where else to land but puddles. Luckily the puddles I come across are typically shallow, but there are a memorable total of three that are ankle deep. My sneaker clad feet are soggy, and emit an annoyed squishing sound.

I walk past street after street, shop after shop, the abundance of buildings meanwhile threatening to suffocate me. My once slow, calm breath has now become rapid, being fueled with panic. I must move faster, I must walk further, farther away from the busy city that threatens to sweep me away.

I stop my hurried walk once I reach the park, a strip of land that offers a small possibility of peace and calm. I gaze into the park, without an intended purpose, looking for no such thing, when my eyes land upon HIM. The idiot, practically asking to get a cold sits on a park bench, staring at his feet.

The strangest thing about him is his expression. He isn't frowning. He doesn't appear to be sad. All the while, upon my approach, he looks up and flashes me a smile.

His smile is blinding, so bright that many would easily be bewitched by it, myself included. Despite the fact that he appears to be happy, that he appears to be care free, I can't help but notice the slight slump in his shoulders. Deep down he is sad, or at least bothered by something.

"You're going to get a cold if you stay out in the rain," I say to him, earning myself a chuckle from him.

"It doesn't matter. I'm dying, I've got Lung Cancer. I was diagnosed with it four years ago. I'll probably die within the next year. My friends and family already act like I'm dead." His bluntness shocks me. He pauses a minute, if contemplating whether or not to tell me more. "You're the only one in this entire city that has approached me..."

"It doesn't matter," I say, repeating part of his speech. "It doesn't matter whether you've got years to live or just a day, everyone needs friends. I certainly know I could use some friends... I normally have a hard time talking to people. You're one of the few people I've talked to all day." Now it is his turn to be surprised. I am now sitting beside him, the water from the bench seeping through my pants, meanwhile the rain filling the silence with a steady pounding sound. Or perhaps I am hearing the movement of my own heart...

Two weeks.

Within two weeks we became best friends.

Within two weeks I learned many things about him.

His favorite color? Sky blue.

His favorite holiday? Halloween.

His favorite band? One Ok Rock.

His favorite movie? The Wind Rises.

His favorite season? Summer.

"Why summer?" I ask, gazing at leaves that have changed color, forming a array of warm colors above our heads.

"Summer is my favorite season because I met you in the summer." He smiles a small sweet smile, blushing all the while. "Summer is also the season I slowly began to realize that there is someone I love... That someone has a leaf stuck in their gorgeous dark hair right now."

With a trembling hand, I pat the top of my head, my fingertips connecting with the crunchy surface of a dead leaf. "S-Sumer is my f-favorite season t-too," I stammer in response, hoping that he is able to read between the lines. He laughs, the sound he emits sounds like that of a ringing bell. It is a beautiful, calming sound.

Kian taught me many things.

He taught me how to make friends.

He taught me how to love.

He taught me that is perfectly okay to like another guy, someone of the same sex.

He taught me how to gather the courage required to come out of the closet.

He taught how to TRULY smile.

He taught me how to TRULY laugh.

The last thing he taught me, after having lived a year longer than expected, was that the most painful feeling in the world is that of losing the one you love.

As Fleeting As Summer Rain (boyxboy- Original Story)Where stories live. Discover now