*chapter 1*

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            ~Meeting Elizabeth~

     Its been too long since I'v seen my parents. I'v lived with my aunt for more than 2 years, and todays my 16 birthday and i was about to start 10th grade at ridgewood high.

"Elizabeth are you ready i dont want you to be late for school."
"Yes mary im ready. I'v been ready for the past hour." Elizabeth mummbled.

Now where was i, oh yes so most of you might be woundering my name, well my name is Elizabeth but most people call me liz, and my aunts name is Mary.

"Elizabeth lets go get in the car." Mary said
My aunt is the schools princable so no matter what i try i always have to go to school soo that sucks.


We finally arriaved at school and i saw my best friend Alison standing by the trashcan with her boyfriend Dean. I rushed out the car and ran towards them and yelled their names.

"Elizabeth im so glad to see you how have you been."she asked
"I have been good how about you."
Things where getting pretty weird because we havnt talked since last year, and pluse Dean was giving me a weird look like if he was examining me. I looked at alison with her stuning red hair and perfectly curved body. It was very silent

"Sooo imma get going ill see you guys later." I said
"Okay ill see u later if you need anything just come to me" she told. me i nodded and befor i could walk two steps dean said "you should join our circle we need more members." As i looked back i saw alison punch him on his very buff arm. She didnt seem really happy that he asked me.
"You idot she dosent know yet she wont find out till tonight on her birthday." Alison wisperded. I was so confused like i mean she tells me everything what could she not have told me i looked back but they were not their any more. Suddenly i saw a flash of red hair inside the woods. And u know me with my curiosity so i followed.


As i get deeper i see a flash of light in the distence. Well you see theirs something about me that makes me make the most stupidest and crazyest choices ever. For instence you know how in those horro movies there is always that one person that thinks that if they go near the light that they will get killed or something, so they choose to go a difrent rout. Well im that person. So when i saw the light i dicided to go around which was a very very bad idea.

As i ran around i heard foot steps behinde me but when i look their was nothing their. Suddenly out of the bule i saw a very buff and tall man dressed in black He had a smerk on his face. He started to walk closer and closer. I was soo scard.

"Well hello little one." He said with his deep voice. I took a step back and tryed not to panic

"Dont worrie i wont hurt you." He said as he got closer when he finally reached me i pulled out the peper spra i got from my grampa and spared it all over his face and took off. I didnt get very far till he grabed my hair and threw me i hit a tree a very hard tree i bet the tree was harder than that mans arm but at least the tree was nice. Wait what if this tree is my soulmate. Is it possible for a person to get married to a tree, wait what was i saying agin. Ohh right the man grabed my neck and pulled me up and forced me aginst the tree he looked at me twice and said
"Your a very pretty girl. What are u doing in the woods this late u know what men do to pretty girls like you out her." He said while examing me.
"I-I " i was about to say something but i felt his cold hand ceressing my hair.

"Let me go u constipated bitch." I yelled. He smirked.

"You should not have said that little one" he said while covering my mouth. A teir fell down my face as he freely touched my body he started to kiss my neck i was so disgusted. I heard a jingle and quickly reialized it was his belt he threw it on the floor along with me. I laied their letting him forcely rip my clothing off i couldnt move i couldent run all i could do was lay their and
let him do what he wanted i closed my eyes and waited.

Hey guys its my first book and i hope u guys will enjoy it the new update will be coming very soon. Byeeeeeeeee!!

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