Admit It, Maknae!

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Requested by ZarbafAhmed

Jimin purposely shoved Jungkook to the side while they were in the middle of dance practice. Jungkook stopped dancing and screamed at him over the music. He then turned to Hobi, "Hyung! Tell him to stop!"

Hobi ran over and turned the music off, "Both of you need to stop!"

"I didn't do anything!" Jimin lied.

"You pushed me, don't lie, you asshole," Jungkook shot back at Jimin.

"Oh! Me?! Don't lie?! How about you, huh?! You're doing nothing but lying!" Jimin screamed.

"For the last time I didn't take it!" Jungkook cried.

Jimin crossed his arms, "Prove it, then."

"How?!" Jungkook outturned his pants pockets, "I don't have it Jimin!"

"When will this end?!" Taehyung cried. He walked over to the wall and plopped down on the floor. He was absolutely sick of these two arguing.

Three days ago Jimin's black card went missing. To everyone's surprise, he was accusing Jungkook of stealing it. Jimin thought the timing was odd for it to be missing. The night before it vanished, him and Jungkook were playing a game together and Jimin won, Jungkook accused him of cheating and wanted a redo. Jimin refused a redo and said he won fair and square which left Jungkook pouting and angry. The next day at the studio Jimin realized his card was missing and to him it only made sense that out of spite, Jungkook took it.

"It will end when Jungkook gives me my damn credit card back! I have to cancel it after it's been missing for a week and it's already been three days so just give it back already! I know you took it because you think I cheated in that game. How childish can you get?!"

"Me?! Childish?! You're the one accusing me of stealing! I don't care about the stupid game anymore , I'm over it! Why would I steal your money?! I have my own black card you damn idiot, I don't need yours!"

"Yah! I have had enough!" Jin screamed, "Jungkook if you have his card just give it back to him already so we can end this! Both of you stop being so petty!"

"I DON'T FUCKIN HAVE IT!" Jungkook screamed at the top of his lungs. He was beyond angry. He was furious. He didn't know what happened to his hyungs stupid card and didn't understand why his hyung was so dead set on accusing him, of all people, of taking it.

"Hey! You better watch your mouth when talking to your hyung," Yoongi yelled. He, along with everyone else, was sick of the fighting. "Maybe I should take your card until you give Jimins back, if you did happen to take it." Yoongi wasn't sure who to believe. It wasn't like Jungkook to steal or fight this much. Taehyung and Namjoon were on Jungkook's side, neither of them believed Jungkook stole the credit card. Hobi and Jin were also a bit undecided on who to believe.

Jungkook stormed out of the room and locked himself in his studio instead. He had enough of being accused of something he knew he hadn't done.

Jimin sighed and dropped to the floor. He was exhausted from dancing, and exhausted from screaming and fighting with Jungkook the past three days. He clutched his hands over his face and sighed, "I don't understand. What does it take?! Why won't he just give it back?!"

"Because maybe he's being honest and doesn't actually have it," Namjoon mentioned in support of the maknae.

"Then where is it, huh? Did it just get up and walk away?" Jimin pouted.

"Fucking maybe!" Taehyung shot at his hyung, "Did you ever think maybe you just lost it? You know Kookie. He wouldn't let the fighting last this long if he really had it. He would have given it back by now."

Admit it, Maknae! [Jungkook Hurtfic/JiKook]Where stories live. Discover now