"Till death do us part, my dear knave."

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(Before I start this one shot, I would like to say that Columbina or Arlecchino are probably ooc in this, seeing as we know very little about their personality and them as a person. I will most likely redo this fanfic once we know more about them. Also if I ever mention Columbina's eye color, it will most likely be wrong because as of right now (2.8 update) we have only seen her eyes closed. With that all said, please enjoy this fanfic to the fullest!)

Right now, in this moment, the knave kneeled on one knee, taking the Damselette's right hand in her left. "My dove." The knave finally spoke, "What is it that you need of me, my knave?" The Damselette replied, smiling.

The knave raised her head to make eye contact with the beauty she was kneeling before, "Columbina" "Arlecchino" The Damselette said, an inch short of breathless. Arlecchino took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to say to the precious dove that stole her heart.

"Bina, will you let me court you?" The knave asked, never losing her composure. "Court me?" The dove asked, amusingly, "Why would you need to ask? My heart already belongs to you, and you only, darling" The dove confessed, her voice laced with honey and sickenly sweet, and yet Arlecchino embraced it, enjoying it, even if, she was  the only one who knew.

"I would never want to call you mine, if it hurt you, my dear" The knave replied, smiling very softly at the shorter woman. "Mmm. What a gentleman you are, Archie." Columbina said, giggling ever so softly in between words. "Stop kneeling in front of me and get up, will you, my knight in shining armor?" The Damselette teasingly said. Arlecchino let out a slight huff before standing up with a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks.

The knave reluctantly took the damsels hands, intertwining them with her own before she spoke, "Columbina, I love you. I love you more than anything. And I want to remind you of my love everyday. I swear, I will never let you forget about how much I care for you." The knave spoke with the utmost love and devotion for the beautiful damsel. It was now the black and pink haired girls turn to be flustered, with her perfect pink eyes being blown wide from shock and her pupils dilated, with a a pink blush painted onto her fair skin. The knave felt truly blessed to see such a sight.

The Damselette calmed down fairly quick, and asked for something that can be so easily granted, and yet it took quite a lot of courage to even attempt it, "My dear knave, would you be so kind as to kiss me?" The knave proceeded to place her hands on the dove's cheeks and in response the Damselette leaned forward until their lips touched. The two shared a chaste kiss, short but sweet.

Arlecchino was the first to pull away, which earned a barely audible whine from the dove, though the knave ignored it either way. "Are you satisfied, your majesty?" Arlecchino asked. "Your majesty? My, my, what would your highness the Tsaritsa think if she heard such a thing?" The Damselette teased. "I sincerely doubt she would care." The knave said, shaking her head. "My, my, how could I forget? She was the goddess of love before becoming the Tsaritsa, how forgetful of me." The dove remembered.

"It was along ago in the past, there isn't much use talking about it now, now is there?" The most white haired woman said. "I suppose you're right, darling." Said the beautiful damsel. After a moment of silence, Arlecchino finally spoke, "Columbina." "Yes, my dear knave?" Answered the Damselette. "I know this may seem extremely rushed and out of the blue, but, if one day we got the chance, would you perhaps want to get... married?" The knave blushed and looked away after asking the question.

The Damselette placed her hand under the knaves chin and made her look at the beautiful dove...

"Till death do us part, my dear knave."


(Hopefully you enjoyed this! I know it's not the best, but this is the best I can do at the moment. I promise I'll keep getting better and make even better stories for all of you!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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