~General studies~

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~ Authors Notes ~
Hey Hey the picture is off of Pinterest I didn't make it. And I don't claim any of the images or characters /universe. This chapter will be short to start and lay out some basics. Anyways let me know what you think in the comments and give me better cover ideas please. :)
3rd person pov.

It's a normal day for izuku in general study's class. After he got left on the roof by his use to be idol after it being confirmed that he indeed could not become a hero with out a quirk he decided that even if he isn't a hero being in us in general study's will at help latter in lifem so here he is in maths class with ectoplasm as a teacher. Today maths class is more boring then it'd normally be due to this particular lesson taking long then most.

After this class is lunch Izuku tends not to go to lunch  any more. more often than not he finds himself in a particular empty class room on the other side of the building on the 3rd years hall. The reason he's their is for quirk analysis. It start when a hero student Monoma bumped into him during the sports festival. Izuku had just finished making his page in his new notebook after the team battles with the headbands. Izuku had gotten out earlier on purpose. Wanting to try and avoid Katchan. Anyways later that week he got a note asking the meet in that classroom. Turns out Monoma wanted his help though knowledge of others heros students quirks and izuku helped. As well as gave pointers on how to use his quirk as in ways to touch people with out them noticing.

The whole time Monoma muttered and talked about being better than 1A. Now you can call this petty but he made sure to give extra tips on Bakagou. Needless to say after that word had spread though the hero courses and he's had hero students from all grades with their quirks. It's become a daily activity to go to the same room he met Monoma in and help others with their quirk. Izuku knows now that he can never become a hero but at least this feels like he's helping in some way making up and coming heros better to do their job more effectively.

All though he enjoys helping people with their quirks he is also playing the long game with when Nedzu their chinma of a printable finds out or dose something about it. Other than that he's got a meeting with someone for katchan's class with a gravity quirk. This isn't the first person he's meet with from 1A he's also meet with Danki a kid with an electricty quirk izuku had shown him how big attacks are flashy but with his quirk and draw backs infective in most battles. Instead so he doesn't go over the limit he should instead of releasing it all at once cover his body in it making him hard to hit and basically a human taster. He also helped a pink girl named mina with a similar suggestion of controlling how acidic her quirk was and using it as a defense of making a burning but not lethal or corrosive type of acid for hit s to slid off of or make others trip.

But today we have gravity girl. From first looks she seems pretty average. With short brown hair in a short of bob haircut. Though he dose remember her doing well enough in the sports festival.

"H-hey! I'm Ochako Uraka." She says at least somewhat excitedly. Though she still seems a nervous because of him. Izuku isn't quite sure why she seems scared of him I mean he looks advrage could easily blend into a crowd definitely far from a threat.

"Hey." He smiles and tries to ease some of the tension. It must have worked because she smiles back after a big sigh of held breath. She seems more relaxed now slumping her shoulders as well it's a quiet room and their standing across from each other in the back of the room.

"Sooo..." She starts trying to find a way to ask for help with out nesisary asking.

"You make things lighter right?" Izuku asks getting what she's at and helping this awkward conversation moving.

"Yes! But if I reach a weight limit or for to long I get very sick feeling and can puke." She explains with more excitement than before. " I have support items so help lesson the effects but it can't hold it forever." Izuku thinks for a moment leaning into his hand with a slight tilt to his head. the suddenly he snaps up straight startling Uraka.

"Have you tried making things heavier maybe it not just lessing the gravity but also adding more of it!" Uraka seems to basically jump at this idea. Quickly rushing to the deck at the front of the room graving the first things she finds being a sheet of blank paper as soon as her last finger touches it. The paper falls to the ground at a startling rate. Izuku gose to pick it up to see if how heavy it is.

Surprisingly when he picks it up it about as heavy as papper weight instead of paper.

"That's great if you keep training with it I'm sure you'll get better." He smiles warmly glad that his suggestion and idea worked.

"Thanks so much green-kun-" As Uraka's about to finish her sentence the intercom comes on to nedzu's voice.

"Attention first years and first year teachers please meet in the auditorium for a special surprise." You can just hear Nedzu's evil smiles from behind the microphone. Both izuku and Ochako just look at each other in silence before leaving and head towards the autoimmune. One thought hangs in the air of every first year 'what could Nedzu be planing?'.
994 words.
Authors note~
Due to this being the first chapter I just wanted to establish what izuku has been doing and what his attitude towards most things is. Either way I hoped you liked it. More action and interaction will happen in upcoming chapters. Some chapters will be like this one in 3rd person and some will be in a specific characters pov it will say who or what point of view the chapter is in the beginning.
Bye bye readers.

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