Mindless behavior imagines

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Roc royal❤❤


The long time crush😘


You and roc have been friends since 1st grade and now you guys are in 10th you had the biggest crush on him but you never told him

At your house


You and roc are at your house chilling.

Roc-aye y/n


Roc-lets watch a movie


Roc-ill pick the movie just get the snacks


*you get up and go in the kitchen you get popcorn,hot Cheetos,juice,and marshmallows.

*you finish and put everything on the counter*

You-roc I have to use the bathroom brb

Roc-ight hurry up

*5 minutes later you finish and come down wearing a black crop top with a big white heart in the middle and some white booty shorts*


You-what y'all doing here

Roc-I told them to come

You-oh *sad face*

Roc-what's wrong

You-oh nothing my back hurts *lying*

Roc-oh well lets start the movie

*30 minutes after you get up*

Roc-y/n where you going?

You-oh I'm tired I'm gonna go upstairs



*someone knocks on your room door*

You-who is it?


You-come In!

*roc opens the door and comes in*

Roc-y/n what's wrong

You-well,the truth is I liked you since 1st grade and I wanted to tell you but---

*roc kissed you and you pulled back*

You-what was that for?

Roc-y/n I like you too

You-oh I love you roc

Roc-I love you too y/n

* prodigy,ray ray,and prince bust in and say.....aww

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2013 ⏰

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