You Are My Mr. Right - IV

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Chapter - III

(KIARA Mansion In Below Image)

The air was filled aroma of roses while birds were chirping

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The air was filled aroma of roses while birds were chirping. At the same time, the ice was drizzling like rain on the grass, forming a beautiful scenery. Prerana was watching the garden outside while her thoughts were focused on her husband, RISHAB BAJAJ, the ruthless, arrogant, powerful, and emotionless businessman known as Devil. She doesn't know how he became this powerful when he didn't understand a simple thing. It had been three years since she left him and everything behind but not her daughter, who was innocent in all this. She met Kuki every weekend to know how she and Rishab were; today, she will come in front of the world. She wanted to see some people's reactions while she can still remember her confrontation with Anurag that day after she left Bajaj Mansion.

Past --- Basu Bari:

Prerana walked inside furiously, and she felt her anger raised when she saw Basu Bari was decorated with a name board of her and Anurag's names for engagement; she marched towards Anurag, who was standing in the center along with Tapur and instructing everyone while she was followed by her family who was still in shock after seeing Prerana's behavior.

"Prerana, you did not get ready yet; time is nearing for our engagement," Anurag said and was going to hug her when she moved back and slapped him tightly, which shocked everyone. "Why did you do all this, Anurag? What did you gain with all of this? What type of pleasure did you feel when you snatched everything from me which had become my life and soul?" Prerana questioned him, but everyone could sense pain, anger, betrayal, and brokenness in her voice which shocked them at the end of her sentence. Her voice became a mere whisper.

"I did all this because I Love You, and I will never let someone come between us, nor can you become someone else's," Anurag said, but it was more like the question to himself, which made her smile sarcastically while there were tears in her eyes.

"You don't know what you feel towards me, yet you separated me from him, then listen you will never get my love, not even my care and concern, because I don't love you anymore, and You Don't Love Me; I'm just your obsession and a trophy to win from my husband," Prerana said they can see anguish, pain and something else in her eyes while Anurag shook his head in denial at that.

"No, You are not my Obsession, and I know you love me; I Love you too; you are not a trophy that I have to win from that Bajaj whom you are still calling your husband," Anurag said, and Prerana's hand itched to slap him fiercely hearing the sh*t he is uttering once again, but she controlled it.

"Listen Here, Mr. Basu, I'm tired of the games you and Mr. Bajaj are playing with my life because the ultimate result is my daughter Kukki and I are suffering the consequences, your stubbornness for marrying me, my mother and sister backstabbing me in the back by trying to separate me from my family and present life but know this that will never happen, even if Mr. Bajaj leaves me and my life along with our daughter and you get to marry me forcefully, you will have my body but not my heart and emotions, and the baby growing in my womb is mine and my husband's," Prerana said firmly leaving everyone shell shocked including Rishab who just entered inside wanting to know what the hell is going on in her mind.

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