You Are My Mr. Right - V

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Chapter - IV

Prerana and Rishab are standing in the pandal of the Goddess Durga as it is Dusshera, along with their kids, talking with Mr. Mehra about Prerana's insistence on attending the pooja this year for nine days. Rishab is quite annoyed at the thought of once again being surrounded by remaining Basu and Sharma family members, but he will bear them for her.

"Rishab, Mrs. Ahuja would like to talk to you for a minute here," Prerana called, and everyone turned towards her in the hall, which she ignored royally and made Rishab laugh internally.

"Coming, Love," Rishab said and walked towards her side. Just then, Prerana went stiff for a moment, which made Rishab frown and turned towards the side she was looking at only to see the Sharma Family, Along with Anurag, Tapur, Niveditha, and Anupam, walking inside as if it didn't bother that Prerana is not part of them which made Rishab curl his fist tight to control his anger which Prerana saw. She placed her palm on his arm, gave a light squeeze, and tilted her head to the side, indicating she was indifferent to them and wasn't bothered by their presence.

"What are they doing here, Mr. Mehra? I thought they were no more part of an Elite Society of Kolkata," Rishab asked, and Mehra sighed and shook his head in despair.

"Sir, Ms. Shivani Sharma married Mr. Anurag Basu, while Ms. Tapur Basu married Mr. Mahesh Sharma, and Shekar Sharma is one of the famous renowned Architect in Kolkata, and as such, they are once again part of Elite Society here," Mehra explained. At the same time, Prerana and Rishab shared a surprised look as they never tried to know what happened to the Sharma and Basu family as they never cared about what happened to them after they again faced betrayal at their hands.

"Who called them here?" Mehra questioned one of the passing guests. "Mr & Mrs. Paritosh has invited them this year," they replied. Rishab shook his head "Rishu, don't get angry as today or tomorrow at one point in time, we had to face them to get closure. Let it be today itself, don't let them affect you," Prerana said, and Rishab nodded his head, knowing it was true.

Prerana turned to the side only to see Rishab carrying their daughters in his arms, who were talking with him animatedly, which made her smile and took Kukki in her hands. Four moved towards the Dias, where Goddess was, to do Maha Aarti with her family.


"Ready?" Prerana heard his voice and turned after she buckled the kids into the car baby seat as both of them were in a deep sleep, and Prerana nodded, and Rishab closed the door and turned towards her.

"Congratulations," He said, and She looked at him in question. "For what?" She asked him back by placing her palm in his, and Rishab helped her to get in. She was greeted with half-bloomed roses, which she picked up in delight with a smile and inhaled the fragrance deeply.

"For helping me to control my anger at the right time, so I won't be able to lash out at them," Rishab replied, starting the car. She shook her head and chose not to answer.

This is her married life now; they don't speak those three words often to each other, but deep down, both of them know in what depth they love each other, and there was no need to utter them; Prerana tilted her head towards the glass; and closed her eyes, relaxing while her mind once again wandered to the past.


Rishab came home early that day as he had excellent news to inform everyone at home, but he could not find anyone other than Kukki and her Nanny, making him frown.

"Kukki, where is everyone?" Rishab questioned his daughter only to get silence in return, and he looked at her only to see her chatting with her mother through video call in sign language. Even Prerana was talking to her in sign language only.

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