First Day of Highschool

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Its my first day of high school today. I'm happy I guess. I'm high too. I smoked a little this morning . You know the usual. Weed.
"Are you excited", my excited foster mom said. I took out my earphones and I said I guess i am. "Im not nervous if anyone start shit its going down". My foster mom looked at me nervously.
When we pulled up, I saw a girl and girl making out. It was cute. "Bye"I said to Katie [ my foster mom]. "Ummm bye LOVE YOU" she said as she drove off. Damn I said its a big school. YWCPA. Its a all girls school. I'm a tomboy so I'm bisexual.

When I walked in, I saw that couple again. They were still making out but in the hallway now. I passed by them and one of the girls looked at me and said hey are u new here. "Yea" I said. "Well I am Dyamond I'm a 9th grader like you and I'm bisexual to this is my girlfriend Hannah we are always welcomed to be your bffs". I looked at her. She was light skin and had greenish blue eyes. She was beautiful flawless. I said to her thanks and walked away. They started kissing again. 

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