Chapter 1: A Peaceful Beginning

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FoxStream wakes up after a long time sleeping and stretches. I'm 13 now! I get my new name! FoxStream thought. His mother, SpeedingWind, walked over to him. "I see you are finally awake, you've been sleeping forever!" She said. "I know, I just didn't want to fall asleep when I get my new name." He replied. "Well okay then, I have some of your favorite food if you want-" "I'll be there in a sec!" He cut his mom off. "Okay then." The light grey cat sighed as she walked away.

Walking out, FoxStream saw his dad StormFlash walking near the food pile. He sped up to join his father at the pile. "Hey dad!" He said picking out the food he wanted. "Oh, hey kiddo!" The chocolate brown cat replied. "Ready to get your new name soon?" "Yeah! My name right now is ok, but I want to spice things up a little bit." FoxStream said, dragging out his food. "I get it," His father said. "When I turned 13, I also couldn't wait to get my new name. Before my name was StormFlash, my name was StormCloud. I didn't like the name much." "Well, I can't wait to hear what my new name will be!" I still don't have a single idea what my name will be. Well, it doesn't matter, I'm not picking the name.

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