Unexpected help

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Bobby was head deep into a stack of books when the sulfur smell appeart. Hastily he grapped his gun from under the desk and pointed it at the intruder. Unbothered the man just grined.

"Oh my, Bobby is that a way to treat a gust? Im hurt. And I thought we are over this."

Grumbling he lowered the gun. "What do you want? Im busy!"

"Oh I can see that quite well. But it doesn't look like you found anything." Stolling through the piles of books and papers which where scattered everywhere in the room he positions himself behind the hunter. Far to close for his liking. His breath caught up in his throat as he felt the light breath of the other on his neck. Abruptly he turned and glared at the demon. Well tried, he only hoped it looked convincing when in reality having this man so close to him stirred up his emotions quite bad.

He didn't know when it started. Maybe when they sealed their deal for his soul with a kiss or when they had their little power matches for his soul or any other moment when he came to the house like he owned this place. That had happened quite a lot over the past month. At first, he would come by just to annoy him, they would have their bunter and then he would be gone. After a few weeks he stayed longer and gave him tips and little pieces of information he needed for a hunt. He even would stay and they would talk over a beer (or Craig in Crowleys case, he wouldn't touch the piss Bobby called alcohol). Over the time he had to confess that he enjoyed the demons company, he was a great companion if not more.

Anyhow, back to the case. He didn't know how long he was lost in thoughts so he caught himself and glared up to the king of hell. "Either you help or get the hell out of here. Like I said I'm busy!"

To that Crowley only rolled his eyes and set up a pouty face. "Ouch someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm not sure I'm willing to help with that kind of attitude..."

"Then get out!" He really hadn't had the time to play these games. On of his hunter collegues was waiting for the information and he wouldn't leave him hanging. Because in most times the information decided about live and death.

Ignoring Crowley he snatched some new books and flipped through the pages.

It was so quite that he thought the demon hat zapped himself out, but after a few minutes a fine manicured hand closed the book he was reading.

Before he could protest, Crowley interrupted him. "Fine I make a exception. But only this once and only for you love." With a wink he let himself fall into a nearby chair and begun to explain.

The hunter tried to follow the said words over the loud beating of his heart. It wasn't something special that the demon used pet names or kind of flirted, but dam, would he know what effect he had on him that would surely end bad.

When he ended Bobby studied the king of hell throughout. "You sure? I don't want to get a friend killed because you didn't get your facts straight..."

Offended the demon huffed. "You should have more trust in me Robert. Hello! Formerly King of Crossroads, now King of hell!"

Rolling his eyes he dialled the other hunters number, while murmuring under his breath. "As if that makes it better..."

Thirty Minutes later he received a recall that everything went alright and the beast was dead. Sighting relieved he turned around to tell the demon and to thank him, but he was already gone. Shaking his head, he covered his face with a hand. Oh, just what did the demon do to him.

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