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Guys I have like a million different JoJo reader insert book drafts it's not even funny
I have so many ideas. I'm honestly surprised I even got this far into this book lul
But I'm glad I did, not many of my ideas go this far :o

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

Eventually, I finally got done with the sunscreen. "Done!" I said, removing my hands from his back.
He let out a breath he was holding in, and I gave his sunscreen back, smiling.
He smiled back, "Thanks."
"Anytime," I said.

"Hey, if you guys are done flirting, we're gonna go swimming!" I heard Yukako say.
We both blushed, looking at her.
"We weren't flirting!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, sure. Anyways, come with us if you want!" She said, starting to make her way over to the ocean with Koichi and Okuyasu.
I huffed, "Ugh, sometimes I just wish they'd stop with this stuff..."
"What stuff?" Josuke questioned.

"Uh, nothing. Anyways, if you wanna go to the water with them, you can. I'm gonna stay here and see if I can build any sandcastles, or something..." I said, taking out a plastic bucket and shovel, definitely meant for children.
"Uh, actually, can I stay with you? It's... a little hard to keep my hair together in water," he explained.
"Oh, sure. Did you wanna build sandcastles? Or..."
"Yeah, I'll just do whatever you're doing. It's not like there's much else to do here," he shrugged.

"Well, it's nice to know you only hang out with me because there isn't anything better to do, Josuke." I said jokingly.
"O-oh, that's not what I-"
"I know, I'm just kidding, dude. Anyways, let's go build some sandcastles!" I said.
We both walked to a good place to build, close to the waves but not too close.
Just as we were about to build, I realized something.

"Oh, wait... you don't have a shovel," I pointed out.
"Do I need one?" Josuke questioned.
"Yeah, in order to build sandcastles, you do. Or else the Gods of the Sand might get angry."
He snickers, "Pff, what?"
I nodded, "I've been punished by the Sand Gods before. It wasn't pretty. Anyways... why don't I build you a mermaid tail instead?" I suggested.
He shrugged, "You're the expert."
"Alright, then I will. Lay down, pomp boy."

He chuckled, laying down on the sand, making sure it wouldn't touch his hair, "Like this?"
"Mhm. That looks good. I think I'll start my art now, then." I started covering Josuke's legs with sand.
When his legs were completely covered, he commented, "Woah, that feels weird."
I nodded, "well, we can't do only your tail if you're a mermaid. You'll need more..." I said, looking him up and down.
"I'll need more what..?" He questioned.
"Hmm..." I hummed, thinking for a moment before taking two palms full of sand, and slapping them onto his chest.

He snickered, before almost wheezing, breaking out into a laughing fit, "O-oh my god- I- I didn't expect that-" he said, in between breaths.
"Hey, chill! You'll ruin your tits. I just built them for you," I said, patting the new tits, and adding more sand to make them bigger.
"O-oh, you're making them bigger."
"Yep. How big do you want them to be?" I asked.
"As big as possible."
"Your wish is my command."

As I continued to add more and more sand, I made them about as big as the sand could take without falling apart, which actually wasn't very big.
"Nice," I said, upon finishing the tits.
"You did not just build me sand boobs," he laughs, "This is like, what I least expected from you."
"Really? What did you expect from me then, Josuke?" I said, beginning to work on the tail more, starting with the very end of the tail.
"I don't know- you just... used to be a lot more reserved."
I shrugged, carving the details into the tail, "Yeah. I'm quiet around people I don't know, and loud around people I do know. I don't think it's uncommon."

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