2 // Kitten, Part 1

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It has taken years for Knox to learn how to manage his temper.

Sadly, thanks to Finn's reckless actions tonight, he is now seconds away from strangling some poor boy to death.

When the boy's frightened brown eyes flutter shut and his arms go limp at his sides, Knox curses under his breath. He's gone too damn far. Again. He releases his vice-like grip from around the boy's throat, allowing him to fall to his knees and gasp for air. A million thoughts cross Knox's clouded mind at that moment.

How the hell did this suburban ass kid get mixed up with a Jackal? And what was Finn even doing on this side of town?

That little shithead is such a magnet for trouble. Tonight's shootout resulted in the death of one of their own, and Knox is partly responsible for it.

"Sam said he'll be in here in five minutes." Cole approaches Knox slowly, his eyes darting between him and the crying boy at his feet. "Why do you want to take the kid back to the clubhouse? It'll be easier to put a bullet in him now and vanish."

Ignoring Cole, Knox squats to be level with the boy.

He's covered in blood and is quivering from shock and adrenaline. Fat tears run down his freckled cheeks, and his bottom lip is trembling so fast Knox is afraid it may very well fall off. The boy can't be as innocent as he looks. If he were, he wouldn't have gotten caught up with a one percenter.

"Did you know from the jump that your boyfriend was a member of The Jackals, or were you recently made aware?" Knox asks calmly, but the boy still doesn't respond. "Listen, kid. The sooner you talk to me, the sooner I'll let you go."

"Shaun wasn't my b-boyfriend."

"Huh. So you can speak."

"Fuck you!"

Knox chuckles when the boy meets his eyes, this time sporting a scowl on his face. "Tell me your name."


"How long have you and Shaun been hanging out, Everett?"

"A few weeks."

"Did you know he belonged to The Jackals MC?" Knox repeats, studying Everett's every move. "I've seen them chew up and spit out folks even more fragile than you. They're extremely dangerous bastards."

As if Knox can actually talk smack and pass judgment on others.

The Fallen Angels, his MC and second family, are no better than The Jackals. Both clubs lie, cheat, steal, and kill for money and power. The only difference between the two is that The Fallen Angels don't poison the land that they live on. They actually take care of and give back to their community.

Knox's proudest moment was when he helped Finn get off the streets and get clean almost five years ago. Had he not done that, perhaps Shaun would still be alive and The Fallen Angels' decade long rivalry with The Jackals wouldn't be escalating towards an all-out war.

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