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The loud bell to end first period pierces the inside of my ears. It rings into my mind cancelling out my day dream, which I tend to do a lot in school, especially math class. Math is so easy, it just comes naturally for me I suppose. I quickly gather my binders and books, to rush out the door; I'm never late, and I don't want to start that trend today. As I am about to walk out the door, my teacher stops me, "Ryhan, you are one of my best students, but lately your grades have been dropping like flies! What's going on?" Oh, I wasn't expecting this, I felt my stomach drop.
"I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know that. I guess I just have been out of it lately, I promise you will see an improvement." I say timidly. She tells me about a few tutors and such and then sends me on my way. As I walk down the long, poorly lit hall, I can't help but think about how I can bring my grades back up. My grades are everything, they define me. People think I'm insane for being so obsessed with maintaining a 95% average, but they just don't understand. What am I going to do now? I promised myself no YouTube of Netflix or anything until my math marks are raised; once I set a goal, I am sure to obtain it. I continue walking, I'm walking so fast that the ugly, brown lockers seem to fly past me in the other direction. The halls are near empty now, all I hear are the sounds of my foot steps and my heart beating. Lost in my own thoughts, I become completely oblivious to my surroundings, without even knowing what is going to happen, I walk right into Isaac Moore. I don't know him too well, and never really cared to get to know him any better. All the girls faint when he walks by, I just don't understand it. I mean, I have to admit, he does have a pretty face but there's not much more to him than that. We both slam down to the ground, my math work book falls open and my pencil case spills a rainbow of half used Crayola pencil crayons all over the floor. I collect my books and apologize for my ignorance. "Don't worry about it!" He proclaims cheerfully. He helps me retain the lost and now probably broken pencils. "We used to be so close in elementary school, it's kinda funny how people drift away, huh?" I forgot that we were friends, to be completely honest.
"Yeah, how have you been?" I say awkwardly.
"I've been better, my parents just split up, but I'm coping. Why should I waste time being upset, nothin I can do about, right?" He ends every sentence with a question, always has, it can get kind of annoying, but I don't talk to him that much so I try to ignore it.
"You are so positive. But if you ever need someone, feel free to message me or something!" I felt as though that was the appropriate response although I knew that he wasn't going to message me, no one ever does, but it's probably nice to know that someone is there for you if you need them.
"Thanks, maybe I'll message you anyway. Okay?" He says with an adorable smile.
"Okay, well I don't want to be any later, I better go. Thank you! See ya." He waves and smiles at me and we go our separate ways.

This is really bad, but it is my first story, hope you enjoyed this brief introduction! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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