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"Huh? Where am I?"

A soul wakes up in a void, all its see was darkness. But slowly the place changed, one by one small dots of light began to appear and began to line up like stars.

"Poor soul"

A girl's voice, resounded in the surroundings.

"For everything you've fought for all your life, now it's all in vain"

The soul is getting more and more confused by the situation, its really doesn't know.

'my life?'

"Yes, your life has come to an end, you are dead"

Silence..., slowly the soul began to understand, he realized that its was now feeling death itself.

"How? How could I die? What happened? And who are you?" Ask the soul.

"I am Ereskigal, I am the goddess of death itself, my child. And how can you die? I will show it to you"

"Goddess of Death?"

"Yes, goddess of death"

A girl appeared, one could say she had all the things that women define as beauty and perfection. She came closer and reached her hand up to touch the soul forehead.

And in the soul's mind it started running like a broken record, all its memories started to appear one by one.

A grown girl, a student, a hard worker, and she saw how her life ended, between the piles of papers lay her weak self and slowly began to close her eyes.

"And my life end just like that" she said.

The goddess just stared at the soul, briefly a light appeared in front of them and the soul was shocked. The light returned again and began to circle the poor soul, the goddess smiled at her.

"Looks like you got a second chance, my child" said Ereskigal.

The soul looked at the goddess in surprise.

"What you mean a second chance?"


The atmosphere was quiet again, the soul was still trying to process everything.

"You will be reincarnated, but of course all the choices are yours, you can even choose where you are reincarnated" she continued.

"Can I choose?" Ask the soul.

Ereskigal nodded her head assent to the soul's question.

After thinking for a moment the soul gave her answer, but she stopped before the words came out because she hesitated.

"There's no need to hesitate, that dimension does exist and I'll send you there right away, honkai impact right? You'd better remember that goddesses can read human minds"

Before the soul could ask anything else, the goddess immediately cut her off.

"Then I, Ereskigal, will send you to that world as a sirin, see you at your next death"And then the soul fall into the deep...

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