Tenava is essentially the unit of strength between a living creature with its surroundings, and other living beings.
Humans, Jeraki, Feliching, animals, plants, and beings invisible to our eyes, all possess tenava.
The stronger your tenava is, the more energy you will have, the more aware you are of your surroundings and of other's emotions. Tenava training increases focus, stamina, empathy, and overall well-being.
WHO discovered TENAVA?
Tenava was discovered by a powerful master known as Guru Kurvatto. Guru Kurvatto was a Feliching runaway slave that hid in a cave for a whole month.
The story goes that he was sustained by nothing but tenava alone. A special liquid native to that cave had kept Guru Kurvatto alive for 31 days. This liquid has been identified and named "Tenava-misa". More on Tenava-misa later.
After 31 days, Guru Kurvatto emerged from the cave a different mahluq, now with a deep understanding of tenava and life as a whole. His teachings helped to boost the knowledge of mahluqkind as a whole.
Unfortunately for Guru Kurvatto, he was assassinated while giving a speech at Sri Vartapa, Sitavat. He was killed by a group who believed that his teachings are blasphemous to the nation's religion. May his soul rest in peace.
Studies dating back to around 40 years ago have discovered that the secret to Guru Kurvatto's survival is a type of microorganism known as Tenava-misa, or in the field as "tanvatpi globian".
Tenava-misa, despite being microscopic in size, are known to possess incredible tenava. Their connection to nature is especially strong, granting them almost "life-giving" effects to the environment. Land around spots with high concentration of Tenava-misa are known to have more plant growth, and uses of Tenava-misa in medicine allow wounds to heal faster. It is also used in tenava training, more on this topic later.
HOW do you MEASURE tenava?
With simple modern tests, tenava can be measured using various methods. The unit of measurement is "tnv".
The most commonly available is using paper strips from a bhiru tree. Bhiru trees only grow in regions with a lot of Tenava-misa. Bhiru papers are made like any other type of paper, the only difference being is that they're dried in a controlled environment, devoid of any life form for 3 months. This makes the paper lose its natural blue colour. Once its done being dried, it's cut up and sold in medicine stores across the Duniya.
The way you use this paper is by putting it on your tongue for about a minute, and check with the medicine master how blue the paper has turned. The deeper the blue color of the paper is, the stronger tenava you have.
Despite being very commonly used, bhiru paper isn't the most accurate way of measuring tenava. The next method is much more precise, it is known as the "Zarahan Test".
The Zarahan Test will have the individual go through several physical tests, and exposed to multiple stimuli. The individual's reaction to these tests will be recorded and calculated. Not much is revealed to the public of this test, and the cost of taking one is extremely high. You can only take these tests at some universities such as Putri Nara Tenava Studies Institute in Tananaga, Ko-ang Faun University in Sitavat and Pondok Faldaus Siranah at Ginggah Nigara.
HOW is tenava TRAINED?
Now you may be wondering, how does one mahluq increase their tenava? There are many ways to train your tenava.
Exercising is a simple and accessible way to increase your tenava, ask your local medicine master for guide books on this topic.
Meditating in nature. Find quiet places with a lot of life around it to meditate. This will bring you closer to your surrounding if done consistently.
The newest method researched is Tenava-misa doping. By periodically inserting Tenava-misa into your body, your body will be forced to increase its tenava. This method is very risky and expensive, and research on this practise is still in its infancy.
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