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At my age, I believe I have encountered people of different views in life. But still, I know in my heart, there are still more to come. Being the wife of a Political Person, assigned to areas mostly where the population belongs to those that are not fortunate in life, I was exposed to different forms and causes of poverty. I worked before at the bank as a regular employee. In a span of 5 years I am the youngest bank officer in the head office.

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Nothing can be accomplished if:

One loves the job.Enjoying and having fun at the same time with co-employees.Great Team of Management .

Some I need to visit the country and before I got married I was able to manage not just 1 but 3 divisions in the banking industry. I told myself, that I will help my husband with his charitable work, while he is providing strength for each family, we must also help increase their morale by uplifting and somehow helping them change or overcome the difficulties life puts them through.

Working as a team is an effective means of making our duty, effective and efficient.  My husband and I communicate constantly and we often exchange our point of views, in trying to analyze the different situations that come to us. Respecting each other and knowing who will have the final decision on certain matters is very vital for us, to be able to impart effectively the beliefs to the people in-charged to us.

Although, I do not personally face and handle the people in-charged to us, my husband makes me feel important, when he asks for pieces of advice for certain circumstances.  I feel we can work better when we are happy and feel we are part of a team to reach a common goal. It gives us a purpose and we will feel like an important part of a group.  Because of this, we have a strong team who respects and I  see him as a leader who cares.

My experience happened, when we were focus our charity work to a little village.  Although I could see that there are so many opportunities surrounding that village, still most of the people had a simple and fair life. They love to plant vegetables, and take care of animals, mainly because this is where they get their food. I was introduced to a big family, the parents had seven children, five boys and two girls.  The boys had big strong bodies, due to the work in the fields.  Most of their children, did not finish school. The parents weren't able to send them to school because they only had a simple livelihood.

As months pass by, and with long talks of different experiences and views in life, I came to one analysis, why their life is like these. The parents had no dreams or goals in life, bigger than planting crops and taking care of animals. They did not believe what education can do to the lives of their children, that is why they did not even pushed their children to finish their schooling. They were accustomed to live a life one day at a time, literally. I don't know if I will blame the parents for not preparing for their family's future and eventually sipping the hope from their children that they could have a better life than what they were born from.

It took time and really a very long and difficult time, before I was able to say what had to be done. I couldn't bear seeing them like that, knowing that they could do more and have more. I introduced a few simple ideas that they could do. I told them, they could sell their crops and their animals in the market and earn money. I told them that with this new beginning hardships can be like a storm for a hurricane of happiness later on.

At first they, were very hesitant, they did not have the confidence to deal with other people, I had to push them, to believe in themselves, to see beyond the present and picture the future of their next generation. I told them that they have to work as a team, with a common goal. Because they had good crops, selling them at a higher price, wasn't that difficult. The people in the market, appreciated their products, thus, they gained confidence in the business.

We were able to spend about three years in that project – village, at that time, the family that was first introduced to me, now sends their grandchildren to school.  Teaching them the benefits, they could have from it. Looking back, I could hardly believe, how their life could change just by helping one another and pushing one beyond their limits. My husband and I pray, that they treasure and put into practice all what we have thought them, spiritually and mentally.

Breaking free from the usual routine, is very difficult. Especially if you were accustomed to it. But seeing what life has to offer you and doing your part to attain a better future is up to you. When the bills are getting high, pocket is almost running empty. Stop watching television and doing the usual routine. Stop sleeping more than 8 hours a day. Go out. Get a real job, get a better long term job. Flex those muscles. Before it is too late. A lazy person has no dreams and motivations to improve. He will be poor for the rest of his life. Let us have a goal – dream home, car, new life. It is possible. Just learn to live simply, save, and be the Master of your own Life. Pray for more wisdom. Sharing with you Bible Quotes:

Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Proverbs 10:4 A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.

Proverbs 6:9-11 How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.

Proverbs 19:24 The sluggard buries his hand in the dish and will not even bring it back to his mouth.

Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.

Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.

I came to across the website of IAM Group Limited Ltd. They have managers stories to share with us on how to one attained greatness in each field. IAM Group Ltd Japan, Yokohama; Singapore; BK, Thailand is a self funded, non-profit association of Middle Managers worldwide working in business. They are committed to helping you and all our contributors and members worldwide for your experiences at work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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