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"Toshi-Chan, I'm done with the paperwork!" [Y/N] said as she plopped down a large stack of papers on Toshiro's desk.

[Y/N] was not well known to outside forces. Or even members, for that matter. She considered to be a backup lieutenant for Toshiro, but she is told to take the lowest seat just for precaution. The only people that know the truth is the first 3 seats of each squad.

"Thank you, [Y/N]. Rangiku has been skipping out on her duties, once again. Honestly, when will she stop?" Replied Toshiro.

[Y/N] is also the only one that is able to call Toshiro something other than Captain Hitsugaya that is in a lower ranking seat, or even a seat equivalent to his own.

"I'm just about down as well," he glanced outside and observed that is was already dark out. He scribbled a last few words down on his page and stood up from his desk.

"Now then, I'm done, [Y/N]. Would you like to stay in my room for a bit?" He questioned.

"Sure!" [Y/N] responded with a nod, and they headed to the Captain's room.


"So, what did you want to talk about, Shiro-Kun?" [Y/N] asked as she sat on Toshiro's bed.

He closed and locked the bedroom door and walked to [Y/N]. "[Y/N], this will sound stupid but..." he paused briefly as he look at the ground in front of him with a blush spreading across his face.

"I love you, [Y/N]-chan ... Will you be mine?" He finally stated after the brief moment of silence.

"Of course I will Toshi-Kun!" [Y/N] shouted as she ran up to him and planted a kiss on his cold, tender lips.

Toshiro was shocked for a moment, then began to kiss back with just as much force and passion.

It was after a minute that Toshiro decided to go a little bit farther. He licked the bottom lip of [Y/N] and she moaned in delight and parted her lips ever so slightly to allow his toung to slip through. He moved his toung in every direction and searched every crevis of [Y/N]'s mouth as her toung playfully fought with his own.

After Toshiro explored every bit of [Y/N]'s mouth, he ended the kiss and moved her so that she was laying on the bed, as he moved his soft lips down to her neck.

He reached for the edge of her uniform and lifted it off, only stopping his constant kisses to her pale neck to allow the fabric to pass.

He went up and down her neck a few times before he softly bit [Y/N]'s sensitive spot.

"U-u-uhhh... Sh-Sh-Shiro-Kun..." [Y/N] moaned as Toshiro began sucking and licking that same spot.

He then began to take off her pants, and undershirt. Leaving [Y/N] in only her bra and panties. He slowly moved one of his hands to go to [Y/N]'s back to unclasp her bra, softly and slowly tracing her ribs in the process.

[Y/N] moaned in delight as her bra unclasped and she slid it off, tossing it to apart of Toshiro's room. Toshiro stopped his sucking on [Y/N]'s neck and trailed kisses to [Y/N]'s breast.

By this point, [Y/N] was laying down and Toshiro was kneeling above her, supporting himself with one of his arms.

He took his hand that wasn't supporting himself and cupped [Y/N]'s breast, and moved his mouth to suck on her nipple. She moaned in delight and her back arched, her legs between Toshiro's and her arms stretched out above her head.

Toshiro gave light licks and kisses and massages to each breast before he stopped to strip himself of his clothing. He then crawled back onto the bed, but lowered him self fo his face could meet with [Y/N]'s panties.

He slowly removed them with his teeth as [Y/N] closed her legs slightly and turned her face away.

"What's wrong?" Toshiro asked his partner.

"Do-don't look at that... It's ugly..." [Y/N] shyly said.

"Babe, your wrong. Nothing about you is ugly. Nothing is and nothing can or will ever be," Toshiro argued and [Y/N] reluctantly parted her legs once more.

Toshiro didnt say another word, but lowered his mouth to [Y/N]'s opening, and put 3 fingers in front of [Y/N]'s face.

She gladly began to suck on and lick Toshiro's fingers as his toung explored inside of her. Moaning, she began to thrust her hips into Toshiro's face, ever-so slightly, forcing him to go deeper, and deeper.

He got up and and turned [Y/N] onto her stomach, and put her on all fours. "Now this will hurt at first, so tell me if you want me to stop. Okay?" Toshiro questioned as he positioned a finger at [Y/N]'s entrance.

She nodded and Toshiro slipped a finger inside of her. [Y/N] moaned and arched her back as he began to swirl his finger around inside of her.

"Second one..." she slightly heard, then felt Toshiro slip his second finger in. [Y/N] hissed in pain, but concealed it as she liked the pain that she was receiving.

Toshiro swirled his fingers even more and began to scissor them, stretching [Y/N]'s entrance even more. All of a sudden, she felt his third finger slip in without warning.

[Y/N] moaned extremely loudly in pleasure as Toshiro began to stretch all 3 fingers apart. After a minuite of doing so, Toshiro removed his fingers and rubbed any extra liquid on his own member.

He positioned him self for [Y/N]'s entrance and thrusted. "Gahh!!" [Y/N] screamed as she felt Toshiro penetrate her insides.

Toshiro stayed in that position for a minute to allow her to get used to the feeling of having him inside of her. Once she nodded say she was ready, Toshiro slowly began to thrust. In and out of her. Again and again.

"Uh-uh-uh-uh,.." Toshiro grunted as he continued to thrust into [Y/N].

First, slowly and softly to get her used to it.

Next, a bit faster and harsher to get her into the mood.

"Ah...! There... there..!" [Y/N] moans in delight as she feels Toshiro hit her sensitive spot. He thrusts again and again in that spot to get her closer and closer to her climax, and his own.

Both were getting much, much pleasure from each other. Moans and grunts filled the whole room as the thrusting increased in harshness and speed. Toshiro's stomach begins to churn slightly, and he know what he has to do for both of then to feel as much pleasure as possible.

"Ohh..! Ahh...! Shiro-Kun..." [Y/N] moans as Toshiro speeds up with his thrusts.

Finally, as he feels he is reaching his climax, he thrust as fast and as hard as he can into her a final few times, also grabbing her waist and pulling and pushing her half-off with the pattern of each thrust.

"Say my name, [Y/N]!" Toshiro shouts as he thrusts as hard and as fast as he can, his member going almost all the way inside of her.

"T-toshiro.." [Y/N] manages to say in between moans and thrusts as her eyes close shut. Her stomach is churning fast, and she knows what is about to happen to both of the two.

"AGAIN!!" Toshiro shout as he is about ready to release everything of his into the inside of [Y/N].

"TOSHIRO!" [Y/N] shouts as she releases all over Toshiro's stomach, and he releases into her. Both of their heads fling back, and backs arch in pleasure of release for each other and panting begins.

Both moan in delight pleasure as Toshiro removes him self from inside of [Y/N], and lais his naked body next to hers.

[Y/N] turns around and snuggles up to Toshiro's warm, bare, muscular chest.

"I love you, my precious snowflake, [Y/N]."

"I love you too, my ice prince, Toshiro."

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