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the battle of the labyrinth

"YOU'RE IT!" Lucia's tiny feet sprinted across the park pavement. A little boy with ocean eyes ran after her, yelling out protests.

"Luz!" Percy whined "No fair! I got distracted!"

Lucia only giggled and ran faster "Come get me, slowpoke!"

"I'm not a slow poke!" He yelled, before picking up in pace

Lucia squealed realizing he was catching up easily.  She cursed her short stubby legs.

"I got you!" Percy beamed, His hand falling on Lucia's arm "You're it!"

"No!" Lucia pouted, she went to chase him when someone decided to interrupt their fun.

"Excussssse me."

The two kids glanced at each other before looking to the side. An elderly woman was revealed to be looming over them. A black hood was placed over her head, she wore a long skirt that dragged across the ground and hid her legs and feet. Her entire face wasn't visible to the children but she was hunched over and clearly addressing them.

Lucia politely responded, "Yes ma'am?"

"Do you kidsssss want icccccecream?"

Percy stared at her blankly "You talk funny."

Lucia elbowed him "Be nice! she's old!"

A hiss came from under the hood. Percy looked at Lucia, His eyebrows furrowed.

"Sorry Mrs we can't take ice cream from strangers," Lucia said matter-of-factly.

The older lady hissed again, this time followed by a step in Percy's direction.

Lucia then grabbed Percy by the hand and pulled him to stand closer to her. Suddenly, she felt something she didn't like. Something that filled her with panic.

"Thank you Mrs." She gave her a fake smile "but we have to leave!"

"You're not going anywhere, Lucia Verano. Perseus Jackson."

Lucia's eyes widened, why did this woman know their names? 

she looked to Percy to see if maybe she had imagined it but he looked as panicked as she did.

"Can I be mean now?"

Lucia nodded furiously.

Percy stepped forward, he raised his foot before forcing it down on the lady's skirt. "Get lost lady!"

As the Woman hissed in Pain, Percy pulled Lucia by their already interlocked hands. Before fleeing, Lucia caught a glimpse of the Lady reaching for her foot...except she didn't have feet, in its place were two scaly tails like a snake...

Lucia gasped

"Mom!" Percy called out for Sally "Mom!"

The kids made it across the park to where the benches were. Sally shot up when she saw the disheveled kids running over to her.

"What happened!" she sped towards them "What's wrong?! "

Percy frowned "Mom, someone tried to give us ice cream and got mad when Luz said no. Then she started hissing like a cat!"

¹𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀. percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now