Here is your book

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(For when pixies fall for that douchebag from frozen)

A girl with galaxies for eye
Has chosen her self to despise
For the world is such a twisted place
That unconditional love was turned to unfathemable hate

"So I'd burn this whole city down just to show you the light"
― Falloutboy


          First of all,this book was written partly for you and partly for me.Secondly,this really isn't a book as much as it is a collection of pages and third,I wrote this book(if I can call it that)when I saw a wonderful human being in an enormous amount of pain and I tried to do the best I could to help which is frankly the least I should have done.Anyway this book was written to make you feel a little better because that's about the best I can do.So without further delay--the worst book you could possible read(Taa daa).


          Hmmm, what you're feeling is called "infatuation." The pain is the product of you overvaluing a projected, imaginary relationship with me.
-Princess Bublegum

          As the words up there suggest, the pain you feel is not only caused by falling,without a doubt falling hurts,thus the name,but it can also cause a lot of joy(at least for me but I'm also a maniac who loves hurting himself mentally).The real pain, the gut tearing (butterflies having a party in your lungs pain),is caused when you create an emotional attachment to an imaginary relationship.The more you think of this person who you've fallen for ,the more you daydream of yourself with that person in happy precious little situations and then this gets out of hand and then you create this magnificent happy imaginary relationship and then you create this imaginary person with whom you're now having the most happy problem free relationship that has ever existed in the history of humankind.Then this imaginary love creates real hope.

          The painful disaster comes when it all goes south and you realize that you can never have this relationship with this person who you've spent so many daydreams with.It feels like betrayal but even more painful is admitting that this person doesn't really owe you anything(except maybe a heartfelt apology)because they never spent any real time with you,the person you've been falling for was a fictional character,an idea. But you also don't owe this person anything.

          As painful as it might be we have to let go(and most of the time we really don't want too).The first step to letting go is to admit that you haven't really been holding on to anything except maybe an idea that has lost it's potency to make you happy(and damn this is hard).It's kinda like when parents buy their kid a present and say that it was Santa Claus who brought them all the way from the north pole.But in this situation you're the kid AND the parents.The parents will never want to kill the kid's fucking beautiful hopes and beliefs but they have to tell him some time because he's gonna learn it anyway.At first the kid is gonna feel really sad and angry(and become depressed and obsessively listen to my chemical romance)but the kid's gonna get over it and he'll move on to other beliefs like bigfoot or that drugs make you look cool(they really don't).It's a vicious cycle ,it's sempiternal but sooner or later the kid's gonna find something real to believe in(like aliens or that this book sucks).So what I'm trying to say is never stop believing but just remember that like the kid you're gonna be okay.


Dreams keep me alive as much as they kill me
They are glorified torture machines
Without which I would never live

          So your hopes have crashed and burned and landed on the front page of your local news paper and you've(hopefully)excepted what was written in the last chapter but you still have a bad case of another teenage cliché-a broken heart.Well sure you're sad,your guts feel like there's a metal concert going on down there and you feel rejected but as sure as Sir Elton John is gay ,you don't have a broken heart,you're too strong to have a broken heart even if you feel like crap.Especially not over a figment of your own imagination.

          Sure the whole(terrible)experience of a teenage cliché has got you in the dumps but it hasn't broken you.It might have left a painful scar but without our scars we're like an empty canvas without a single stroke of the brush.I mean if you didn't feel so bad when you're favourite character from a book you loved died,you shouldn't feel so bad about this one.

         P.S.  Sorry about the length of this chapter it seemed longer when I wrote it down on a piece of paper.


          Life is very, very short, and you can choose to live it how you want. You can choose to dumb yourself down and not express yourself just so you can fit in, just so people won't dislike you.
-Gerard Way

                       You are a result not a consequence.

           All your life,through every victory and every failure you have been building yourself.

          The mellinium before you were born was used to build you.From when the first fish came out of ocean to the first time your parents met-It was all to build You.

          You are not a side effect of the continuity of the human consciousness rather you are the human consciousness.
Your body is made of every thing from what used to be the ashes of dead stars to the decomposed leaves of a big old oak tree.Face it you're magnificent.

         It's really your choice if you want to spend the short time of the miracle given to you wallowing over the death of a work of fiction or basking in the embrace of the real people that you already have in your life.But just remember this-you are a miracle ,who knows why you exist but you do.Who cares if one person doesn't like you,there's a thousand more who love you.If I know you,you already have a purpose.Now are you going to sit in the corner depressed or go about your duty(which by the way you can choose).


          I'm sorry that this book(?) was so short and if you hate it then I'm happy that is book was so short.I feel like I've said what needs to be said(also I'm to lazy to write any more).I just have one more thing to say-

                                      -THANK YOU FOR EXISTING-

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