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FIVE MORE MINUTES. THOSE WERE the words that Iris Aulora Kim kept telling her mom, as she frantically ran around her room, grabbing her things and attempting to make it out of the house before she got later than she already was for school.

Just as she usually did, Iris had managed to sleep through her morning alarms. Despite the fifteen different alarms set, she still managed to miss them with her being a heavy sleeper and all.

It took her dear mom literally dragging her out of bed and towards the bathroom to get washed did she finally wake up and begin getting ready, in a hurry though.

This seemed to be a continuous cycle for Iris - sleep late, wake up late and have a hectic morning. Although the girl tried fixing this habit she had somehow picked up, despite everything she did, nothing seemed to work.

You couldn't exactly blame her either as she was a night owl. She tended to get work done better at night, than in the morning. It was something that seemed to run in the family.

"Iris Aulora Kim! Do I have to come up there and drag you out myself?"

Heaving out a sigh, Iris glanced at herself one last time in the mirror before making her way out of her room. She sent her mom a sheepish smile as she grabbed an apple before bidding her goodbye and heading out of the house.

She glanced at the watch on her wrist and was relieved when she saw that she had managed to get dressed and out of her house in less then thirteen minutes. looks like she had a new record.

Iris began humming a tune to a song that was stuck in her head and walked towards the spot she and her 'friend' Suho always met at in the morning.

Iris was glad that they still had a few minutes to go before the school gates would close because that meant that she wouldn't have to rush and would be able to enjoy her time spent with Suho.

Just the thought of Suho brought a smile to Iris' lips. You see, Suho was no ordinary person to Iris. He was someone very dear to her. The two had been friends for as long as she could remember, even though she's always wanted to be more.

Iris remembers being introduced to the said boy through her parents at a party hosted by his dad, as though it was just yesterday, and how she had fallen head over heels for him simply by meeting his gorgeous brown eye.

But after the boy had helped her out and prevented the favorite pink dress she was wearing from being stained by chocolate cake, Iris knew right then and there that he was the one for her. Sure it was a silly little crush.

But over the years as their friendship grew, Iris' crush on the boy only grew and she never tried hiding it, but he was too oblivious to see it.

Just like now. Whilst he was on his phone, no doubt, texting her about her whereabouts, she was standing a mere few steps away from him.

With a smile playing on the girls soft features, she slowly made her way towards the said boy, ignoring the way her heart seemed to pace up with every step.

Suho, who seemed to feel the girls presence looked up with an emotionless expression, but Iris could see how the expression slightly relaxed as she neared him. "You're lucky I waited around, if you were just a few seconds later then you'd probably have to walk to school on your own." he said as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

Iris chuckled. She knew he wouldn't. He always told her that, yet he always waited for her. No matter how late she was running, he still walked with her even if that meant he would be late too.

However she knew there was no point in saying that as he would only deny her claims so she just responded with a, "My bad."

As the two began walking side by side in silence, Iris turned to the boy with a grin, "So guess what." she said hoping to spark a new conversation between them.

He turned to her with his head tilted, indicating for the girl to continue with what she was going to say. "I heard this new horror movie is being released on Friday." she continued.

Suho gave her a confused look this time, "So?"

Iris shook her head at his obliviousness, "Let's go watch it. You're not doing anything, right?" she asked.

However instead of agreeing, Suho shook his head, "I'm not really feeling it." he responded.

Iris frowned at this, "Come on. It'll be fun and it'll be my treat too." she told him, not wanting to give up and that seemed to have done the trick because instead of dismissing her ideas once again, he gave her a look as though he were in thought.

"I'll see." he responded and that single sentence made Iris face brighten throughout the rest of their walk and even up until they reached school and parted ways.

"What's got you so excited?" Iris' best friend Naelea Jeanette Yun asked as she gave her a weird look.

This resulted in Iris smiling more brightly as she recalled the events that took place a few moments earlier, "Well, Suho and I may or may not be having a date to the movies this friday!" she exclaimed.

Naelea eyes widened, "You're kidding?" she said with disbelief.

Iris squirmed under her gaze, "Alright fine, it's not a date yet. But we may go to the theaters together this Friday." she confessed.

Naelea nodded, understanding what she meant. Although it wasn't really a date, she was still happy that her best friend would be able to spend time with her crush so she linked their arms as they walked in together. "That's awesome, do you think you'll need help picking an outfit?"

Iris laughed, "Duh."

Naelea nodded, "Alright I got you. We'll facetime after school today."

The two began walking towards the girls bathroom to touch themselves up slightly before they would head to their homeroom class. They greeted the people that greeted them and engrossed themselves in a conversation.

Naelea caught Iris in on what she had missed as she skipped school the day before. It wasn't until they were exiting the bathroom and right in front of their homeroom class and caught sight of an familiar brown hair did she realize she forgot to mention something.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, we have a new student." she stated.

Iris scrunched her nose at the new information, "A new student?" she asked as she turned her head where she saw an unfamiliar face conversing with her other friends.

This was going to be interesting.

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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