Chapter 1 - 5

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Chapter 1 - Reverse Transmigration!

Tyron Odin was an assassin.

He was perhaps the most famous and deadliest master assassin of Albion Continent in recent millennia.

In his previous lifetime, he had come from a secluded ancient clan, and had the blood of both ancient elves and incubi in his veins. The Odin clan had always been closely associated with the assassin profession for generations. As the eldest son of his generation, Tyron showed remarkable talent from childhood and received intense training from Bluebell, the largest assassin organization in the world.

It only took him twenty years to become Bluebell's biggest trump card.

As a master assassin, he was familiar to all the powerful forces and noble families. A panic-stricken investigation into his background and expertise led to the discovery that he was a rare, mixed-race offspring, and a world-renowned assassin who inspired both reverence and despair.

He was like the burning devil lord of the abyss. Everyone knew that he was guarding Bluebell, and knew that they would be able to eradicate the assassin organization if they pulled him out, but nobody dared to go forth and probe for his exact location.

As a half-elf, this master assassin's six senses were extremely sharp, and his combat ability was powerful and unparalleled. As a half-incubus, he was also good at camouflage and stealth. There was nowhere in the world that he couldn't get to if he wanted to; he was a deadly enigma, and legends said that as soon as one saw his face clearly, they would either die for him, or die in his hands, or perhaps even willingly stretch out their necks and wait for death.

Tyron Odin was a non-believer, so his soul wandered in the wilderness after his death and was captured countless times by various gods from all kinds of pantheons.

He was unwilling to become the 'Undying Immortal' (a laudatory title for a dead soul), and was even less willing to become any god's chosen one, so he entered a deal with the God of Slaughter.

He worked for the God of Slaughter for six hundred years in exchange for his soul's freedom. He would not have to enter the mortal's reincarnation cycle, nor would he enter any god's realm. Rather, he would be able to enter a place in time or space where life could come into being, and obtain a completely new life there.

During these six hundred years, he experienced being a mere nobody, watching from the sidelines with indifferent eyes as the world changed, dynasties rising and falling. He laughed arrogantly at the princes for that very reason, and looked disdainfully at the people who were struggling for their lives. He also experienced how it felt to obtain divine will as an incandescent angel who fell into the mundane world, tossing and turning over a vast land that spanned millions of hectares, wielding a double-edged sword in his hands as he killed princes and generals alike, massacring entire armies by himself. His heart was as cold as iron for that very reason, having become accustomed to seeing the boundary between life and death, blood and fire.

Time passed by in an indistinct blur during this period.

Tyron Odin was once again awakened from his deep slumber. This time, he could not sense the God of Slaughter's will, but he heard a familiar, indifferent mechanical voice:

"The task has begun. Kill all competitors in the field, and obtain both the qualifications to enter the semi-finals and hidden bonus points. Competitor number 419, your current number of kills is: 0."

After listening to these few short sentences, Tyron slowly opened his eyes.

He saw that he was in an environment similar to the ancient Roman colosseum. Positioned in the center was a huge ring-shaped fire pit, and four stone bridges spanned the fire pit and led to a circular platform that was suspended in the middle. He and the remaining 99 people stood around the fire pit. They each wore a mask, and had a digital code hanging over their heads – presumably, Tyron also appeared like this.

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