life's unfair

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Here I am. Hello my name is Huening Bahiyyih and I participated in girls planet 999. You probably think "oh that's cool" I can't say the same. When I first watched the survival show after the first episode was released I thought why I didn't got much screen time. Of course I thought that the only reason I would get screen time was because I was "this idol sister". I was a bit shocked not seeing myself throughout the show but that made me work harder for my dreams. I danced everyday and practice my singing even worked on my facial expressions like my brother told me. The finally the day came that people started noticing me first in my first performance Fiesta after that in Shoot and even in Ice cream. I was glad that my hard work paid of but good things never last long. I started receiving lots of hate by girls planet 999 watchers they said they didn't think I deserve it or it's only because of my brother. I of course felt sad but didn't give up. After some time I couldn't believe it I was in the top 20! I was so glad that I made it this far! I was sure I have a chance to debut in this new group. I didn't have much friends since I was really shy but I was happy that the other contestants communicated with me. After our last performance it was time to reveal the final contestants that made it into kep1er. I was hoping to be one of them. They announced 8th place,7th place,6,5,4,3 and after that it was time to announce the top 2 and 9th place I thought maybe I would be ninth but I heard my name. I was shocked which means I will be debuted as number one or two. I was so glad everything I worked for it has finally paid of. But then I heard "sorry I announced the wrong name I meant Shana" I felt my heart sink and knew I was not going to debut. They finally announced the members and I was not one of them I felt disappointed in myself and felt bad for everyone who supported me. After the show ended I went home and took a break of course my family cheered my up. But I still felt this awful feeling. The make it even worse I got so much hate comments that really hurt me like " are you even Kai's sister", " your so bad at everything really couldn't even been in the final lineup" or " I thought everyone said she got into big hit and SM entertainment like how she's so bad at this lol" I felt raged but it had no meaning to be mad they are right anyways. After some months I decided to go and see if I can get back to SM entertainment. I got decline for bringing shame into the company. Even my friends that did Mr.Chuu with me didn't wanted to see me anymore. I went to one of Kep1er fan meetings to see them. After it was my turn I talked to Yujin and Dayeon I saw the staff shaking their head and the members said they didn't now me. After the fan meeting I got home awfully embarrassed. Summer ended and school started of course I had to go to school even tho I was not fully recovered from what happened. Even at school people would still laugh at me or whisper stuffs about me. Few years later I still haven't got into any K-pop entertainment. But I am happy that the hate stoped at some point. My mom recommended me to look for a job but I don't think anything interest me. I started working for a dance studio as dance teacher. You probably think that's still good but of course I had bad luck I had to teach kids or old people which wasn't the best. After I got off from work I went through the usual way home I didn't have any boyfriend because they all new  about the scandal before. I was crossing the street when a car come speeding at me. I froze which made the car hit me. I woke up in a room with more than one bed and I heard very loud people in the background. I finally understood what was going on I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw HIKARU?!? I started to remember my debut how I got into Kep1er. Was it all just a dream even if it was am so happy I debut into Kep1er.

But for some people it didn't end the same.

My story: Huening Bahiyyih.
Cc: Kome Ogbor

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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