Dont fucking touch me

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When I walked in my 1st period, I sat in the back so the teacher wouldn't call on me to answer any questions. Hello, class my name is Mrs. Smith and I will be teaching Science. Mrs. Smith was a small, fat woman with hair long as a barbie doll. She reminds me of girl I use to go to school with.

By lunchtime, I sat with Dyamond and Hannah and their friends. "OMG, Hi again ummm I don't get your name, " she said. "Its Brittany", I said. We had this weird conversation about a junior, Hannah and dyamond were kissing again and then I had. A girl named kandi came over to the table and they all got quiet. Ummm you are in my seat, she said. I looked at her like bitch don't go there with yo white volleyball ass lookin self. I said " No thanks", and turned around. She grabbed my backpack and put it in the trash can. I was overhead mad. That was my favorite backpack it had heart eyed emojis on it. I got up, grabbed her tray and dumped it on her head. She stormed out of the lunchroom and said " YOU BITCH". " SUCK MY DICK", I told her. When I turned aroind , they all give me high five and said GO BRITTANY GO!!!!

You Selfish WhoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang