an introduction

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why hello there! it's me, the author of these oneshots, xavier :)

the reason i'm writing all of these is that while there is plenty of kim namjoon x reader oneshots and stories available outline, very, very little of it is for male readers. especially here on wattpad.

and as a guy with a pretty big celebrity crush on the Tall Dimple Man, that doesn't cut it for me. so i'm writing my own to fill in that gap.

as said in the description - there's going to be a pretty wide variety of things in this book. some of it will be smut, of course i'll warn about that at the beginning of oneshots which include it. 

because wattpad isn't good for longer oneshots (at least not as good as ao3 is), if i deem a oneshot 'too long' to just be one part, it will be split into multiple. i know that kinda defeats the point of a oneshot, but it's my book and i can do whatever i want so uhhh...hope you understand! on ao3 they're just one part though, so i'm counting those as "technically still oneshots".

i don't think this will get much attention, since the audience for joon x male reader is pretty small (i'm pretty sure most of the reads this would get would just be me reading it over and over again lol), but if anyone has any requests for oneshots...

feel free to drop 'em here :)

anywho, that's all i have to say, at least for now. hope you enjoy!

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