The S Variant

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You went to Tom's to celebrate him moving into his new apartment. You watched for years as your closest friend worked so hard. Though these days, you didn't get to see each other as much as you liked. When he opened the door to greet you, in between your first glimpse and the fond open embrace, you could see how much he'd changed; his looks anyway. His features were more defined and since his job change a couple years ago, he'd learned to dress well. He was undeniably handsome. Not that he wasn't handsome before. But unlike most people, time was most definitely his friend. But of course, after a few of your compliments, it was only fair for you to bully him a little. You were sure he'd always be your little squish, no matter how much he changed.

You presented him with a bottle of his favourite whiskey, as a housewarming gift. He immediately grinned and slid to take it from you while planting a darting kiss on your right cheek. He'd clearly spent way too much time in Italy.

"You always know, don't you?" He chuckled in astonishment. To which you chirped "always". He told you to get comfy while he disappeared into the kitchen to get some tumblers and light bites to christen the new bottle. It was as you took off your shoes and sank into the dark corner suite that you heard it. Those little bursts of intrusive thoughts. She was awake inside you, ravenous and eager. Your heart jumped as you thought 'why now? You'd timed it right, you'd taken the tonic like clockwork. So why was she awake so soon?'

She would only arise when hungry. But to be hungry, she'd need to be tempted. So what could it be to have awakened her at that moment?

You could hear her familiar groaning and growling inside you.

Deep breath; You decided you'd try to relax and stay calm. You knew you had some time before you needed to worry. Maybe if you had a drink she would subside a little.

He glided back into the lounge, cutting through your stress. With his hands poised and chin high, he finessed the tumblers in one hand and platter in the other, almost to say 'Tadaa!'. You couldn't help join in and flutter your fingers in a fast clap. He bowed and dived onto the spot next to you.

An hour went by of you two catching up. Talking about everything and anything. Work, family, interests, annoying colleagues - the works. All of it made you feel as though you didn't miss a thing while away from each other. And again, you caught
glimpses of his glistening blue eyes and warm smile. You had to admit that he was indeed a very handsome man. Which felt strange to think about since being so close with him. Seeing him again and reminiscing like this almost made you forget the discomfort.

The chat was all so bubbly and light-hearted, which you loved. But as you went to take another sip, you saw his demeanour shift from that of a joker, to a more sincere kind. He was turned to you slightly, resting his head on his clenched fist by the edge of the suite.

"I have really missed you, you know?" 

Caught off guard by how sincere he was, you wondered if you should joke, unprepared for such an honest shift so quickly. But instead, without thinking, you replied "I've missed you too. I'm glad we finally got to catch up".

"So how are you anyway?"

"I'm great!" You replied, but you knew he wasn't that gullible. You went to take another sip when he placed his hand on your shoulder.

"No. I mean how are you really?"

fixing your lips into a small smile, you tried to keep that happy guard up. But you couldn't help letting your eyes drift to the reflection of yourself in your glass. Tom wasn't the only one who'd changed. And you didn't know if you liked this unfamiliar version of yourself.

"Honestly, I'm okay. It was just... it turns out I have this... medical condition. It's not serious, just a family thing. But I just had to spend some time away to get a grip on it."

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