💖Raspberry x parfait💖

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+-_Nothing was requested I'm just In a very wholesome mood rn so why not write smth with one of my favorite ship ^^-_+
- Type: fluff-
~Summary: Parfait is trying to become more popular with her music so Raspberry tries to help her~
- None :D
Ok enjoyyyyyy

Parfaits POV:
Raspberry: Hey parfait!
Wachu doin?
Parfait: Hey my little paru!
Just trying to come up with ideas for a new song
Raspberry: Didn't you just finish one though?
Parfait: Yeah but it didn't do so well...
It's been like that for the last few of my songs... and I'm kinda considering on just quitting at this point....
Raspberry: What no! You love doing this! Please don't quit your music is amazing and you already have a bunch of musician friends!
Parfait: I guess your right...
Raspberry: So want me to help you with your new song?
Parfait: Ok!

~A few hours later~
Parfait: Wow I love how this turned out!
Thanks rasp!
Raspberry: Yeah of course anytime!
Are you gonna sing this at your next concert?
Parfait: Uh huh! I'm having one tomorrow so it's best if I practice now!
Raspberry: If you ever need anyone to listen to it I'll be more then happy too
Parfait: Thank you!
Raspberry: I'll be getting some sleep now don't stay up too late!
Parfait: Alright good night rasp!
A few hours went by at it was around 12 am
Parfait: I should really get some sleep now
Suddenly my phone rang I looked at it and my sister was calling
I picked it up and answered the call
Parfait: Hey sis!
Shinning glitter: Oh wow I didn't expect you to actually answer! What are you doing up at this time?
Parfait: I'm practicing for my concert tomorrow! I really hope a decent amount of cookies actually show up this time!
Shinning glitter: I'm sure they will!
But you should get some sleep so you enough energy!
Parfait: Ok I was just about to go to bed night sis!
I turned off my phone and went to bed
The next morning I got ready and went to the living room. Raspberry was already there sitting on the couch
Raspberry: Good morning parfait!
You ready for your concert?
Parfait: Yup! Im confident that this concert will be the one to boost my popularity up at least just a bit!
Raspberry: Heh yeah that's the spirt parfait!
Now come on you don't wanna be late do you?
Parfait: Ok let's go!
We drove for a bit Untill we finally got there
I quickly got out of the car and got all my equipment
Raspberry helped me with some of the stuff and helped me set them up
Parfait: No one seems to be here...
Raspberry: Just give them a few more minutes I'm sure cookies will come!
Parfait: Alright...
A few more minutes passed and me and raspberry were backstage and it was about time for me to get onstage now
I took a deep breath,grabbed my guitar and went to the stage
Only to notice that no one was there... not a single cookie...
Tears started to fill my eyes
I dropped to the floor and started crying
Raspberry: Parfait? What's wrong?
Parfait: Not a single person even bothered showing up... not even my friends...
I should have just quit a long time ago why did I think I could ever make a living making music?...
Parfait: Come on rasp let's go...
Raspberry: No Parfait...

Raspberrys POV:
Parfait was crying a lot as she went backstage
Raspberry: Aw man... I feel so bad for her... I wish more cookies would actually come for once...
Suddenly an idea came into my head
I grabbed my phone and called my cousin
Raspberry: Hey mousse?
Listen I need a huge favor my girlfriend was supposed to have a concert today but no one showed up so I was wondering.... since you know so many cookies if you could invite them to the concert?...
Raspberry mousse: Hm alright sure I supposed I could do that rose also seems to like her music too so I'll ask her If she can invite her friends as well
Raspberry: Thank you!
I put my phone down and walked backstage to try and comfort parfait
Raspberry: Please don't cry parfait everything will be ok I promise!
Parfait: Thanks but I honestly don't think my carrier is gonna go up anymore at this point....
Suddenly my phone went off again
Raspberry: Hello?
Raspberry mousse: Hey were here were waiting in front of the stage
Raspberry: Whoah that was fast!
Parfait: what?...
Raspberry: Go to the stage I have a surprise for you!
Parfait: Huh?... uhm ok...
She went out to the stage and immediately the room was filled with cheers
Her face lit up and she turned to me
Parfait: Did you do this?
Raspberry: Yeah I hated seeing you so upset so I asked my cousin if they could invite some of there friends to come and support you!
Parfait: Thank you so much Raspberry!
She had a few tears of happiness I'm her eyes
Raspberry: You welcome Parfait now show them what you got!

Yayyyy wholesome lesbians :DDD
This story is actually inspired by some of my experiences with my art career and my friends always sticking by my side and supporting me even though I wanted to quit several times ^^
But anyways I hope you enjoyed this
I hope you have an amazing day I love you sm
Bye :DDDD 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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