What If... V Was Possessed by J? (OilRose AU)

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*Some Changes*

The Workers never found N or V.

The Squad B1 was the only one that went to Copper 9.

I never built the body.

The Watcher:

J was the leader of N and V's squad and was eventually killed by Uzi's Railgun, but her consciousness was still alive and was trapped in N's body, causing J to possess her body. In this universe, J's consciousness did not reach N's body, but V's body, causing a big problem for N and Uzi.

 In this universe, J's consciousness did not reach N's body, but V's body, causing a big problem for N and Uzi

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*With V*

V was still trying to find I, she needed to hurry before dawn "Ugh, I've been looking for days and still no sign of them!" V said angrily. V landed on a street to rest, but suddenly she heard a noise "Who's there? Come out before I blow you up!" V ordered as he readied his machine gun "V?" She heard a familiar voice "N?" V said confused "Thank God I found you" N was relieved but V on the other hand "What are you doing here? You came to arrest me again?!" V said irritably "N-no, I came to help you!" N tried to explain himself "Help me?" "Yes, I've been looking for you for days, I was worried about you" N tried to console her "Liar, you don't want to help me" V didn't trust N anymore. After N's betrayal and J's death, V had lost her trust in him "Believe me, Uzi and I need your help to defeat that squadron!" N begged V to believe him.

"Uzi? you only care about that Operative, why?" "What?" N was confused by what V said "She killed J, made you rebel against the company and she left me tied up for 3 MONTHS!!" "V, I can't say" "I know, because you're a weakling and you're only being manipulated by that piece of shit you call Uzi, you're nothing but USELESS!" This comment made N look at the floor and clench his fists in anger "Do you really want to know?" N started to explain "I'm with Uzi because she's the only one who cares about me, unlike you and J!" "What-" "You and J didn't care about me, J called me useless everyday and still hit me for fun and you didn't even know I existed" V didn't know how to react, she just kept quiet "Every times you were sad I tried to cheer you up... When you were hungry I gave you some of my victims, but still you didn't care about me, you never loved me... UNLIKE UZI!!" N screamed causing a rumbling noise.

V couldn't believe what he just heard "But I'm giving you one last chance, join me and Uzi and we will defeat B1 Squadron, and also finish off JcJenson" V started to feel sorry for N, but she composed herself "I'm sorry N, but I can't let you destroy the company!" V said dropping his blades. V tried to attack N, but N defended and I flew behind V "I won't fight you!" N refused to fight "Bad choice" V said showing his teeth and with an 'x' on his visor. V opened his wings and slashed N with his blades "So it's going to be like this...?" N spread his wings "Let's go!" N said with an 'x' on his visor. N flew towards V and ripped his right blade "AHHH" V screamed in pain, but returned the attack with his claws, N dodged but was hit by a missile that made him fall to the ground, but he got up and got up regenerated "My turn" N threw a bomb at V, but V dodged it, this was the perfect moment for N to surprise her and hit her causing her to fall inside an abandoned building.

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