Hazbin Cups: Welcome to Hell Pt 1

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It was a Nice Day, Or what you can call 'Nice' in The Lower Layers of Hell and within the Crime ridden areas in the Pride Ring, Pentagram City, the City of The Damned, where Former Human Souls that Sinned, other Demonic Creatures of Bizarre, and merciless intent. Everything around was a match-up of Old and New, generations of History, culture, and Ideas mashed, all of them being the Bad ones.

In this City, You couldn't go one minute without losing your wallet, or without being murdered, Raped, or even Mocked. In Pentagram City, Sin was worshiped and is where the Most Diabolical, the most sickest, most slithery of Sinners would live, and The Weak and Soft were either in allies, or wind up dead, only to come back and get killed again and again, as nobody truly dies when they are already dead to begin with. However, something different has arrived in the Land of The Damned, Two Souls, Still alive, were on the Busy Street Road, passed out it seems. They were Boys, though not ordinary Boys, these boys had Cups for Heads, One Red and One Blue. These Boys were not of this world, nor was this their Hell.

These Two Boys were known as Cuphead and Mugman from a Land Known as The Inkwell Isles, and they had somehow ended up in a Completely different world from their own, will they survive? Let's find out on this new Adventure called "The Hazbin Cups".


"HIP HIP...HURRAY!!" Everyone says throwing Cups and Mugs up in the Air in Joy. They had just told everybody that they defeated the Devil, and that the Souls that he had possession of were FREE! This made everyone overjoyed.

Cuphead and Mugman were staggered, they went from being no good trouble making kids, to becoming Inkwell's Heros. All of their Enemies from before, Like the Root Pack Gang, Von bon bon, Cagney Carnation, Werner Werman, and many more. It was almost as if they had forgotten everything from before and only saw what was told, The Devil was Defeated, they were Free, for so long of tourture and fear from his hands and he was defeated. This was something to be celebrated, something to sing and dance about, it was a Miracle, a Miracle from God.

As The Brothers are thrown in the air, Mugman, The Brother of Cuphead notices something odd in the background, something familiar but not at the same time...it was..

He was soon interrupted by his own breathing, awakening in a cold sweat. He then turns his head to see his Bro, Cuphead, next to him. He looks up, seeing a Red Pentagram circling the Blood Red Sky all around. He tries to recall what had happened, and wonders where he was? But for some reason, no matter how hard he thinks, he can't recall. He then decides to wake up his Bro, proceeding to shove him to try and wake him, which Cups soon did.

"Mmm...what the Heck?"

"Cuphead, are you okay?"

"I don't know, I feel like I've been hit by a Rail Train. But besides that, I'm fine...You?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Eh me neither, by the way..where are we?"

Suddenly, the Two Brothers then hear a HONKING noise, hearing and seeing as something begins to come forward. It was Car, coming at them in Full speed, not seeming to be stopping. In Panic the Two Cups scream and without even a hint of hesitation, they then jump out of the Way of the Cars path, watching as it just strolled along as to show that the Driver didn't care if there were People in the Road or Not. With the Brothers, they were now on their bottoms, both breathing unsteadily, caught off guard at what had just occurred, Cuphead then asking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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