Half Of A Yellow Sun

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"Let all --- go to hell....! hell hell hell. .."

His scream was so high and deafening that anyone would hear it, let alone the staff the patients and the one who was attending to check his sheet.

Yes sheet, a small neatly scribbled chart of the patient's up & down health review. Or to say in another way a paper that stated no going up but only down down and each day every hour more down. His recovery was as expected doing just O.k. as the doctors had verdicted, nothing there was that could hinder the coming, nothing, only some sort of miracle.

And Wei was, had been and still looking for it but without hope. Tears gave away although he wanted to hide them and that was when the patient screamed a scream that awakened more or less every single soul residing in anyway inside the hospital premise.


The hospital wasn't large, for a town not so large either; it fitted not so oddly but certainly it didn't surface the need the health stature of the town demanded. People were as it is often ill and there was less bed and only a handful of doctors to cope in necessary situations, if any serious case were to arrive there was a rush and the nurses and the doctors knew they wouldn't be able to do much. Not the least to be frank. So saving a patient was like a long shot they wanted but mostly can't afford to.

And in the midst of it was he. A patient. A boy with long height and noteworthy feature, at the verge of turning into a man with quite a handsome pair of blue eyes and a face that made anybody's heart flutter, no not with a sudden teenage crush but a pain that one felt at seeing someone so young vibrant and beautiful being, dying out of sickness !

Yes nobody got that wrong just like you. He was going to die. Sooner or later, he was. Everybody knew it. But all they could not bear to see was the young nurse giving his day & all his nights, his love and care to take him out of it.

He'd tried to make the nurse understand. He did. But it was a failed attempt he knew even before he tried knowing what a hard resolute person the diligent nurse was and how much his lovely little beating heart yelled to do for him although it was known no one could do anything.

And that was why he lost it. Not when the first time he was told he had tumour did he lose, not even when he was being taken to the operation theatre, not as far as he could remember in the time of his teen years when in between his class he was informed of the horrid news of his loving family- both his mother & father dying in car crash, never ever he lost it. Something somewhere always made him hold. Hold on because he believed there was something something that demanded him to go on.... because he was breathing... till that time something sure had been left -- some unfinished task for him...and maybe going on-- 'mere living on' was one of them ? Who knows ? Who can tell ?

But not any further, his reserve of standing up had broken, crumbled badly and he could not even dare to pick up the shreds when he could see no way of retrieving them. His self confidence was slowly demolishing when he saw tears dropping under the veil of those eyes he had loved madly. Crazy he was when he found out he was in love, a patient with only a month to live falling in love ! What a terrible timing to have fallen for someone !

That day he refused to meet anybody, cried out without tears like a hysteric and blaming his weak resolve for that, all through the night.

He refused to meet even him. Yes and he was hurt but he couldn't help. He couldn't dare to see him that night in fear that his already weak heart might stop beating at that very moment. He asked for another nurse. Sister Rini attended her that night. But he wasn't that brave nor so recluse to avoid the feelings he felt. He told her what was in his heart for Nurse Wei Ying. He told her everything, not leaving even the part that Wei had kissed him one night assuming he was asleep, but he wasn't. Awake, in spite of the I.V. injection with all the drowsiness and pain in his head, he could still feel his touch and strangely even devour in it. The pain sadly didn't allow him more than that. He could hardly lift his hands although he wanted at that moment to touch his face. Terrible he felt at his own helplessness and the bed that he was restricted to. Sister Rini gave a horrible suggestion, she asked him to marry Wei Ying. Shaking head, he said no. That was out of question. He could not even consider it, let alone dream.

Half Of A Yellow SUN. ENDED. Emotional Journey Of Wei And Lan Zhan Where stories live. Discover now