Chapter 3

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Elena POV

I sighed as Junior year started, looking around for my boyfriend of almost two years or my favorite siblings. Lots have changed the last two years since I moved to Denver. For one, puberty obviously happened. My hips and ass were the size of freaking mars but my boobs weren't as big as I hoped for. High B cups so I couldn't complain much, nor did Robin.

My black curls reached my lower back and my mom still never let me wear make up, claiming I should be grateful she even let me have a boyfriend to begin with. Though we all know she adored Robin, who wins her over by dancing with her to Spanish music while she cooks us dinner or breakfast sometimes.

The first time he accidentally slept over, she flipped her shit for about ten minutes before offering breakfast. As long as the door isn't locked, she doesn't care that he's over. That doesn't stop us from locking it and having our fun while she's at work though.

"Your boyfriend's getting in another fight." Gwen said as she jogged over to me, now out of breath. I rolled my eyes at my boyfriends antics, following her but I could hear the crowd chanting fight and made my way over to see Robin punching down Billy.

Billy's had this asswhooping coming a long time so I let Robin have his fun, before stopping him when I saw his hand bleeding.

"Babe," I walked over to him, pulling him back and off of Billy. "Stop okay? Calm down, mi amor." He let me pull him away and I rolled my eyes at everyone's staring before pulling my boyfriend off to my locker.

"What was that about?" I asked him as I put my new textbooks in. I smiled up at him, he also had a puberty growth with his deeper voice and strong build. His hair was slightly longer from constant trimming and small curls were peeking through.

"He was talking shit. Thought he wouldn't do anything. Nope." We both laughed at how he got his ass handed to him. "No one disrespects my relationship or woman."

"Mmm, you're so protective." I giggled as I pulled him down by his collar to connect our lips. I ran my hands through his hair and he groaned into the kiss. "Stop by later yeah?"

He nodded and went back to kissing me, until we heard two sharp coughs and turned to see Gwen and Finn staring at us.

"Did you hear something?" Robin joked and I played along.

"Nope." He gave me a kiss and we laughed when we heard the siblings groan in annoyance.

"You'd think after two years you two would be tired of trying to suck each other's face off." Gwen said and I mock gasped at her.

"This handsome face?" I cupped Robin's face, making Gwen gag and Finn laugh. "Oh look Finn, Donna is walking over." I winked at Finn who got pale instantly.

"You, go clean your hand off." I said to Robin who whined in protest. "I need it clean for later." He immediately went off and I giggled as Gwen rolled her eyes.

"He's so whipped." Gwen said as we linked arms. He was and I wouldn't want him any other way. These last two years with him have been amazing. Sure, we've argued only a handful of times on stuff we absolutely disagreed on, but never once had he called me out my name or done anything hurtful to me.

We've opened up to each other completely and while he mourned the loss of his dad still, he understood and respected me not wanting to reconcile with mine who was recently let out of prison.

That was our first argument. He tried saying how he'd give anything to have his dad back, but I didn't want to hear it. Difference was, his dad was an actual dad. Who did the best he could for his family. Not some alcoholic addict who abused his wife and got high leaving his 5 year old to take care of him.

He apologized when I didn't talk to him the rest of the night, sneaking in through my window and I forgave him after he did. He never mentioned it again, only telling me if I ever had a change of heart, he would be by my side every step if I chose to or not.

School went on and soon it was lunch, but we were all summoned for an emergency school meeting during the end of it. Robin wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we sat on the bleachers in the gym, everyone wondering what was going on.

I played with his fingers as I leaned into him, listening to the announcement our principal gave. "Another student, Vance Hopper, has been reported missing. More teens are going missing, none ladies, so fellas, please do always walk with an adult or friend when out of school hours. It's not safe until this Grabber is found."

Vance Hopper was one of the town's "punk" kids, who was known for his constant suspensions and causing fights in every arcade over dumb pinball machines. Robin almost fought him once when he got in his face at homecoming, but I put a stop to that really quick.

We were dismissed and I stared at the picture of Vance, wondering how I would feel if that had been a picture of Robin. If Vance could go missing, anyone could. I looked over at my boyfriend who was talking to Finn, probably showing him defense moved as he made an air punch.

If that had been Robin, I don't even know what I would do.

"Hey." Gwen said softly beside me, her slender arm wrapping around me. "He's right there. Trust me. I think of the same with my brother but they're okay."

"You would tell me right." I said to her softly, "You would tell me if you ever got a sign." Gwen had a special ability, a sixth sense if you would, to get small visions in her sleep.

She nodded and I smiled softly at her, before we walked over to the boys. I slide right into my boyfriends side, smiling up at him as he kissed my head.

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