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*bang* I hear as I jolt up wondering what that sound was, It was my teacher
Mr. Shitface, as I start to fully wake up I hear my teacher say "Arianna stop falling asleep in my class or your going to the office". I rub my face and look at the clock, it was 12:30 ten minutes before class ends. I look over to my friends and they were working on a sheet of paper as of everyone else. I raise my hand to ask for a sheet but he doesn't say anything. Class ended and I met my friends in the hall. "We should skip class" I say. They all agree, we all hid in the bathroom till nobody was in the hall. Once nobody was in the hall I ran to my locker and grabbed my stuff. "What are you doing, I thought we were skipping class not leaving school?!" Sierra whispered. "Well change of plans now get all you stuff and hurry!" I say as I waited for them. Once they all were ready we ran for the exit door. We then ran till we couldn't see the school anymore. "I have a place we can go" jewels said. "Where?" We all said. "There's this place just down the road, it's rumoured to be haunted!" She replied. "I don't know, what if we get in trouble" Ava said concerned . "We aren't gonna get in trouble you pussy" jewels said. "Fin let's go"Ava said. We all went to the place that jewels suggested. It was so old that it had a no trespassing but we went in anyway.

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