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You know how in the Bible God says he created good and bad, meaning he also created evil?

But what about Satan then? Cuz Satan was first an angel but he tried to overthrow God. But God created evil when he created the earth right?

Does that mean he made Satan evil? Or did he lie about the fact that he created evil?

Cuz I'm pretty sure Satan became the devil before God created the earth- it's so confusing man :/

But what about when God said good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell? But by the cruisevicion or however you write it Jesus had let that one murderer into heaven bc he became christian

And somewhere else in the Bible God also says that people that don't believe in him go to hell, right?

But what about the good people that don't believe in God? Does he also send them to hell?

Doesn't that mean that God is letting bad people into heaven and sending good people to hell?

Isn't that kinda ironic- I mean it's just weird

So just because you don't believe in God, even if you're a good person, you go to hell? And just because you're christian, even if you're a bad person, you go to heaven?

I don't think I would want to go to heaven then, I mean I don't want to be surrounded by actual bad people in a place for good people ya know.

What I also don't get is racist christians :/ like bro bro listen the main fuckin' rule in the Bible is to respect the other like how you want to be respected💀

Same with homophobic christians-

I mean my parents(especially my father) are like actually homophobic-

My mother even warned me to not come out to my father-

But my grandpa surprisingly is what I call half-homophobic
Meaning he doesn't agree with our thinking and the way we are but he still respects us and doesn't try to change us, unlike normal homophobes.

Also fun fact: homophobia is apparently an actual phobia-

Another fun fact: the Bible doesn't say anything about being gay except for the accational (important) gay people in the Bible, and the main story that people miss interpreted or whatever is the story of sodom and Gomorrah. That story is actually about pedophilia not about homosexuality-

Honestly if I had to choose between christian parents and for example Muslim parents, I think I would choose Muslim parents. Idk mate, Muslim parents just seem so much nicer and so much more understanding-

The thing is Christians always think they are so good and shit when they are actually one of the worst, there are so many homophobic and racist christians.

It's that I have Christian parents, and from experiences it's not all that great trust me.

I mean the Bible is just a weird book
It's complicated and honestly just stupid and hard to read.

Isn't it weird how God's always try to get as many people on their side through promising good things and punishing the ones that disobey them or think different than them?

Like isn't that exactly what the devil does? So why are Gods so good and the devil bad when they basically do the exact same thing?

It's kinda ironic

Honestly I just believe that there is a God and Devil and a heaven and hell, other than that idk what I believe in 💀

But yea if God really is homophobic and Satan isn't then I'd rather suffer for all eternity while being able to be who I am than being in a place where I have to hide the fact I'm non binary and bi/pan 😒

What are y'alls thoughts on religion? Let me know in the comments :D

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