Writer: Enjolie Meryem (Last Name Not Shown Because: Private Reasons)
Word Count:
Special chapters* are more then 1000
Max is: 1000 (including the Previously)
Minimum is: 500 (including the previously)
Chapter Word Count:
Table Of Contents: 66
{Chapter 1} The Beginning: 684
{Chapter 2} Years Come And Go: (In the works)
{Chapter 3}:~~~
{Chapter 4}: ~~~
{Chapter 5}:~~~
{Chapter 6}: ~~~
{Chapter 8}:~~~
{Chapter 9}:~~~
{Chapter 10}:~~~
{Chapter 11}:~~~
{Chapter 12}:~~~
{Chapter 13}:~~~
{Chapter 14}:~~~
{Chapter 15}:~~~
{Chapter 16}:~~~
{Chapter 17}:~~~
{Chapter 18}:~~~
{Chapter 19}:~~~
{Chapter 20}:~~~
{Chapter 21}:~~~
{Chapter 22}:~~~
{Chapter 23}:~~~
{Chapter 24}:~~~
Luna Rose: The Story Of A Legend
Fantasy💕 Luna Rose. She is adventurous, crazy with adrenaline and a bad ass. Join her on a adventure of her life on earth 301. Audience: Mature (Some sexual and inappropriate chapters, Strong Language and mentions of 18+ or illegal items)