Chapter One

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Stefania woke up this morning the same as she does every morning. She silenced her alarm & jumped in the shower. She got dressed, made her coffee and left her house ready to take on the days events at the Precinct.

You see, Stefania has managed to rise up through the ranks to become a Detective Lieutenant in just a few short years and is now on the verge of another promotion. All she has to do is smash the next operation which starts today. She enjoyed the drive to work this morning singing along to the radio with excitement building about the task ahead.

Meanwhile, across town, Maya is also stirring from her bed. She's a bright bubbly young woman who has her sights set on running her own business in the future. She needs her degree for that though and college is expensive. So, to make ends meet and pay for her tuition, she has a job at a strip club. It's not ideal but she always liked to dance and has the body for it. It's easy money and she has fun. No one is getting hurt so she's happy for now. She doesn't have to be at work until tonight though so she has a relaxing soak in the bath before hitting the library to get some study under her belt for the day. She might even get an hour at the gym this afternoon before heading to work for 8pm.

Over in Precinct 19...
"Good Morning Stefania. How are you today? I missed you last night!" The redhead woman purred as she traced a finger down Stefania's arm when she reached for the coffee. "Kate, come on, don't do that. We had fun for a while but this isn't going anywhere. You've got a boyfriend now or are you forgetting that. You made your choice. You don't get both of us" Stefania said before walking away from the other woman.

In the briefing room her colleagues had started to arrive. There was pleasant conversation as one by one the whole team arrived. Last to appear was Chief Webber. "ALRIGHT TEAM, settle down please. This week we're starting Operation Milan. Now, we're pretty convinced that we've got the net closing in on Antonio "Tony" Rossi. He's been left to run free round here for too long. But his reign of power ends this week. Too many of this city's kids have fallen foul to Tony's gang with their drugs and their guns. Now, we're pretty sure that the epicentre of his empire is his strip club. The Emerald Angel over on Alameda is where we're heading. But Tony's slippery if we go in there all guns blazing he'll disappear into the night and we'll have wasted our best chance in a year to get his ass behind bars. So, we need the softer approach. Stefania is going to be our girl on the inside. She's going to pose as Carina DeLuca - a new wealthy play girl in town. We're hoping that the Italian connection is the Ace up or sleeve. We've got a beachside apartment set up, a rare Azzuro Dino blue Ferrari for you to drive and you've got as much cash as you want at your disposal. We've got 5 different credit cards set up in Carina's name and this afternoon you need to head over to Rodeo Drive to get your wardrobe kitted out appropriately. Now Stefania, you've not brought anything from your own apartment right? We don't want you having ANYTHING that links you to your real life. Please make sure your family and friends think you're out of town for a couple of weeks. Change your jewellery and everything please." Stefania nodded as the Chief continued "we've got a cellphone set up with a whole phone book of contacts. Each of these are just decoys though. The only ones you need to worry about are Mom and Dad. Mom will be used daily for you to check in with us. That line will be monitored 24/7 and you must call us once every single today to give a report but speak as if you are speaking to your Mom ok. Dad should be used when you need help. Got it?" "Got it Chief" Stefania assured. "Ok, one last thing from me. This will be my last major operation before I step back a little and ease in to phased retirement. I'll still be around the building but Lucas Ripley will be filling my shoes and he will be the point man on this operation. I'm just here to shadow and be his guide. If all goes well then the lovely Stefania here will step into Lucas' shoes as Captain. Alright, that's all for now then. Stefania, you need to report to the data team before heading shopping and they'll get your drivers licence, passport etc etc. Everyone else, Ripley will brief you all on your individual jobs and roles ready to start tonight. Good luck everyone - let's nail this bastard and destroy his empire!"

*** A/N - thank you to my girls brnicex and spampisavre1901 for the idea and encouragement to write this story 🥰 ***

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