Meeting Sam

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Hello, I am Sam Strider a thirty-five year old let down. Ever since seventh grade I have always been afraid of other around me. Nervous to walk by someone I didn't know, I figured out that i have a disease called Anthropophobia. Mother has always been pushing me to make new friends, but I was always locked up in my room on the internet or reading a book. The fact that I have never been to anybody else's house in my in tire life has worried mother sick. I have not been able to hold a job because of my conditions, I have had one best friend in my lifetime, but i lost her when we went our separate ways during college. Everywhere I go people look at me as an outcast, maybe because of my blue hair? The way I dress? I don't have any money to spend so my usual clothes are overrals splattered with a little bit of paint from the clearance section from Macy's. My mother kicked me out of her house because she said I was a waste of space.

Ever since then I have been living in a one room apartment by myself, and occasionally visited by the creepy man on the third floor. My job interview is in two days so I will prepare by laying on the couch playing Super Smash Brothers. It is around 1:00 A.M so I should get to sleep, Goodnight.

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