The Man In White

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Dear Diary;

Lock down drill. That's all kids are talking about at school. All the sixth graders are scared and  about what to do. Some seventh graders say that they are going to skip third period, when the drill is happening and then get in troubled. Who knows what's going on their minds. And we, the eighth graders, are the only ones acting normal about it. Even the teachers are acting abnormal. The only thing I really want is that all of this is over very soon.



Dear Diary;

My mom picked me up at school today after A lunch. I'll say it was cool because I didn't do my fourth period homework, but I had to go to the dentist. Those ugly and crazy dentists took out two of my beautiful teeth. It really hurts. Really!? , who wouldn't say that they aren't crazy? They have all these weird machines in their room (that no one really knows what they are or even what they're called) and then they just take out your teeth to collect them? (Well, that's what they appear to me) Well, now I have more homework; the one I didn't finish yesterday, and the one I have to turn in tomorrow. Great! (That was sarcasm if you didn't notice)


--12:55-- 10-06-10

Dear Diary;

I got a call like two minutes ago, which is weird because I remember turning off my phone. This man with a rough voice answered.

-"Emily"-he asked wondering.

-"Who is this?"-I asked back. I will not tell a stranger my name.

-"Oh, you don't need to know Em."-

-"Excuse me sir, but only my friends are allow to called me like that, and who are you?"- I don't know why that was the first thing that I complained about. Who cares if he called me like that the important thing is that he knew my name.

-"Just keep one thing in mind. Is it a lock down DRILL or a real one? Oh and of course I'm your best friend my dear Em."-

-"Hello? Hello!?"-Nobody answered. I was stunned. I'm freaking out right now just from writing about it. Who wouldn't? This strange man calling you, knowing your name and saying that he's your best friend! Freaky!! This is something really strange, but I hope I'm just dreaming. Night.



Dear Diary;

My phone was off this morning. I checked to see if there was any call at 12:53 a.m., but there was none. I didn't know what was happening and I started to wonder if it was just a dream. Even if it was not, I didn't think anyone would believe me, so I just forgot about it.

First and second period were boring, as always. In third period we were watching this old movie about a war when there was an announced in the speaker.

-"This is a lock down drill, I repeat, this is ...ffrrgg...ahm, ahm"-, someone cleared his throat, -"Well hello, hello my fellow students."- It was the voice that called me last night!! I was sure of it. -"I'm sorry, but did all of you think this was going to be a lock down drill? Well, it... is... not"- His voice had the same roughness and toughness as the one that called me last night.

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