My Six Mafia Brothers.

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Requested by SumanKumari920

TW: Drugs 
It had started with Jin. He was the oldest. He joined the mafia at a young age and his six younger brothers ended up following suit. They were doing quite well and were one of the leading groups within the entire underground organization they were part of. They had a lot of friends and a lot of connections. They also had a lot of enemies. The members were mainly part of the underground drug trade. They practically ran it. Which created conflict within other organizations who they were constantly at war with. There was another mafia group, called YTH, that absolutely hated them. They were constantly scheming against eachother and YTH was constantly trying to take over control but had failed every attempt so far.

Taehyung and Jimin didn't like the fighting, they wouldn't admit it but it had always made them nervous. They usually tried to stay out of it.

Jungkook was more than willing to help his hyungs whenever they needed it but because he was the maknae of the group he was never allowed to do all that much. The hyungs were all extremely protective of him and didn't like him getting involved with any physical altercations. He was often told to stay home in which Taehyung and Jimin would also stay home and they'd do work on record keeping together if they weren't actually with their hyungs making deals.

"This is so boring," Jungkook pouted one night while recording stuff into a notebook. He was forced to stay home that night with Jimin and Taehyung while the others were off settling some disputes.

"Well it has to be done," Jimin told him.

"How come you two never go with them?" Jungkook asked.

"The fighting is stupid," Taehyung chimed in, "I wish they'd stop doing it. I don't see why we can't just split the city between us and YTH but Jin hyung us too prideful for that."

"I think it'd be fun," Jungkook told his hyungs, "Wrestling is fun. I mean we all wrestle eachother!"

"It's a little more than just playful wrestling Kookie. Namjoon has already broken his arm 3 times," Taehyung reminded the youngest, "There's a reason we don't let you go."

"I could handle it. I could scare the other group off and then they'd never fight us again!" Jungkook pouted. He wished his hyungs had more faith in him. He figured if they'd just let him help, he could really help them win once and for all.

"That's wishful thinking," Jimin told him. Jungkook dropped his pen and crossed his arms, "Maybe to you."

"Look," Taehyung walked over and patted his maknae's head, "We just don't want you to get hurt, okay?"

Jungkook moved out of Taehyungs reach, "I'm not a baby anymore. I can handle it! I can take care of myself. Besides, I don't like seeing hyungs getting hurt either. I can protect them!"

Jimin and Taehyung were both getting annoyed. This is what happened every single time their hyungs were out settling things. Jungkook would get pouty and complain that he wasn't allowed to go and they always gave him the same answers. It was an endless cycle.

"Maybe when you're older," Taehyung giggled.

"You guys have been saying that for the past three years!" Jungkook cried.

"And we'll keep saying it for the next three too!" Taehyung yelled at him.

"So in four years I can help?" Jungkook asked excitedly.

"No!" Taehyung and Jimin yelled at their maknae at the same time. Jungkook threw his head back and groaned. He hated being the youngest. The hyungs finally arrived home. Hobi had a black eye and Yoongi had a bloody nose.

My Six Mafia Brothers [Jungkook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now