Day 1

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It was my first day of year seven. I was a nervous wreck, I mean who wouldn't be. New school, New friends, New me. My name is Gracie, Gracie Jones, and I'm not one to usually be nervous, but this was a whole new thing, There were so many new kids here, kids I never even knew existed until today. I knew one or two of them, but that was it. It didn't help that I was never truly close to those kids. My best friend had gone to another school, it was closer to where she lived. I knew from that moment that we wouldn't talk again, it happens to every pair of best friends that go to separate schools, I guess its just a part of life. While I was waiting to be assigned to my new class, I noticed this girl from the other side looking at me. She had brown shoulder length hair, and these big brown glasses, her eyes were dark brown, so dark it could kill . I took no notice of the fact she was looking at me. perhaps she thought I was someone else. It happens.

Finally it was my turn, they had given me my assigned class, It took me a while to find my classroom but I got there in the end. as I took a deep breathe I told myself everything would be ok, I opened the door to noise, I knew from that moment I wouldn't be learning much. I looked at my new teacher and she looked fed up. I would be to if I were teaching a class full of misbehaving students. I took a seat close to the window. I thought maybe it would be better if I sat alone. There I was again left alone with my thoughts, although anything is better then talking to these people. I knew from that moment that they were all immature morons. I thought that this would be my class for the rest of the year, I thought I would be left alone with these people, but I guess I was wrong.

There she was again, the girl with eyes that could kill. She was quiet, she looked like the only other decent person in the room. She glanced around the classroom looking for some where to sit. She could see that I didn't want anybody to sit near me so she sat behind me. I didn't care that she was there, I knew  that she would be quiet. as the day went on I was still alone. I had gone through all my lessons with not a single soul to talk to, was I going to be the loner of the class, you know that one weird girl that nobody likes?. By the time lunch came  I was already thinking about moving schools. I took a quick look around our yard to see people had already made friends. I suppose I was the only who didn't. I found a gloomy, damp corner to sit by. after a couple minutes pass, I notice her again, the only other decent person in my class. She was walking over in my direction. In the couple of seconds it took her to get over here, my brain went to many different reasons she may want to talk to me, I mean what if she was going to threaten me or something. when she finally reached my corner, she spoke. her voice was so angelic, she sounded calm. She asked if she could sit with me, I didn't have any of friends so I guess she was my only option '' Uh.. sure I guess'' I said. I don't know why she wanted to sit by me, maybe it was a cruel joke? or maybe she was a loner like me, But either way I had a friend.

Time passes by, and she's actually a decent person. She wasn't like the rest of them. she was sweet. we both shared the same interests, I had never met someone who was like me, maybe the world isn't as cruel as I though it was. eventually its time for us the head back to class, it was the last lesson and I was relived to go home even though I met someone. as we walked back to class I realised I didn't even get her name, how rude of me. ''What's your name'' I asked. She look at me and replied ''Ella. What about you'?'','' Gracie'' I said, As she grinned at me she lightly said ''what a pretty name'' I didn't say anything back, but it felt nice knowing she liked my name.

Was it already Tuesday? I suppose time goes faster when you have a friend. not a fake friend. but a real friend. We decided that we would go out after school, we didn't know where, but id go anywhere with her. we planed that we would go to her house after and id bring spare clothes to change into in my bag. We had gone through the day just chatting about everything. she's amazing. my first ever not fake friend. she was telling me about her whole life, and how she moved from London around the age of 4. She could only remember a few things, but from what she told me it sounded like an amazing place. fast forward a few hours, we end up waling to her house and getting changed. she's wearing dark grey baggy jeans with a oversized on the other hand I was wearing tight dark blue jeans and a hoodie that fitted me with a small logo on the left side of my chest. our conversations were so deep. I felt like I've known her my whole life. the conversation moves onto my makeup, she compliments me on it and then asks me to do to her makeup, I didn't say no. This is where things went wrong. really wrong. we are sitting so close to each other, I can feel her breathe against me, I was applying eyeshadow to her and I took a break just to see if it looked ok. that's when she looked at me in a certain way. she came closer to me and kissed me. It all happened so quickly. I didn't know how to feel, I knew I didn't like her like that. I pulled away, and she knew from that moment she screwed up. she immediately started apologising. I felt like I was frozen. When I finally had the gut to talk, I told her ''I'm sorry'' and then I left.

I quickly Went down her l- shaped stairs and realized it was poring in rain. It was either get soaked or stay here. I couldn't bare to look at Ella. I was so over whelmed. So I ran. I lived pretty far away, so I ran in the poring rain. I'm not the most athletic person so halfway there I stopped running and started walking. I was soaked. But it was better then having to face what just happened. I didn't know her for that long, why would she kiss me?. By the time I got home My dad was curious to why I was home so early. I didn't respond straight away, It took me a second to think of a lie, I ended up telling him that Ella got ill and that I didn't want to catch anything. From there I just went to my room to lay in bed a look at the celling. I really tried to understand, but I just couldn't. I just needed to get over myself.

Wednesday came around, I knew it would be awkward between us so I didn't Talk to her through the day. I sat in that same damp corner alone. I could see that Ella was looking for a place to sit, but I didn't invite her over, I just looked at my food and ignored her. About 7 minutes later, I could hear laughter, and not the good kind. I glanced over to see Ella on the floor, with tears rolling down her face. There was a circle of bitchy girls around her, I'm Pretty sure they were bullying her. From what I heard they were laughing at her and calling her a loner. I felt bad, but yet again I just looked at my food ang ignored her. The teachers knew what was going on but couldn't be bothered to go over there and stop the bulling. Ella made a stupid mistake.. She Just lost it. She got up when they turned around and started screaming at the girls. They Turned around at looked at her like prey, I knew what was coming next. The girl in the middle, immediately took the first punch, and Ella went straight to the ground. Her nose was bloody, But the girls didn't stop there A circle formed yet again, but double the amount of people then before. One of the girls was holding Ella's hair so That the other girl had an easy shot. I just couldn't look, Before the girl could punch her again, One of the teachers finally came over and separated the fight. Ella was messed up, there were clumps of her hair gone and she had one hell of a bloody nose. She was crying even harder now, After all of this chaos it was time for my next lesson. I knew Ella wouldn't be in lesson. Thankfully it was last lesson. I was thinking about walking her home, I finally had the gut to talk to her.

I go to the main office after lesson, I see her sitting their, Her face is all bruised and swollen, I looked at her, but she didn't look at me, I Stopped the silence but apologising, and saying that I just felt over whelmed. Yet again. silence. I told her that id walk her home if she wanted me to. She finally look up at me with her dark eyes, They were all teary and red from crying. she sniffled, and said she would like that. As we were walking I got her talking, She seemed fine. She was laughing and telling jokes, clearly this day didn't affect her as much as I though it would. To get to Ella's house we would need to cross over this bridge, It looked beautiful with he sun, you could see everything. Ella suddenly by the railing. She looked at me her eyes looked tired, I was so confused to why she stopped. She said ''I'm sorry''. Before I could say anything she grabbed onto the railing and jumped... I reached out for her, but I just couldn't grab her in time. Cars screeched and crashed. And I screamed. My back was faced against the railing and I slid down to the floor. I sat there in a puddle of my own tears and grief. Not long after I could hear sirens wailing in the distance. Why, Why did she do this, she seemed fine. Hadn't I given enough? Was it my fault? Was I the reason she killed her self. The next thing I knew police came to me and started asking me a bunch of questions. Everything was a blur. My throat was sore from crying, and my head was fuzzy. I didn't even know her that well and I already caused her to kill her self.

                                                                      I didn't even know she was going to do it                    

                                                                                                                                                      yours truthfully-

                                                                                                                                                                             Gracie  jones

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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