42. A Highly Acclaimed Visitor

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The days that followed went by as usual. Training with Feytan in the morning, sometimes working in the evening. I'd spend my free time alone reading a book, or hanging out with Lotta. Vince joined often, too. But he had quite a busy schedule, so most of the time it was just Lotta and I.

At dinner, her other friends joined. But since we otherwise barely saw them, I didn't get the impression they were that close.

We hadn't talked much about what had happened during the hunt, but as I expected, none of the thirteen wolves made it through the night.

And Leo had been spared a horribly slow death, at my mercy, Lotta had said. I knew she'd only said that to console me, but if Aven would have heard that, I'm not sure if he would let me go unpunished.

Today was no different, but Feytan had said today would be a shorter training. He was expected somewhere right at the same time my training was about to end, but he said to look at this like a calmer day, for my body to rest.

I didn't do a lot of resting, though. Feytan made up for the lost time by ordering me the hardest exercises we'd done so far, and I did longer reps than I'd normally do, as well.

But I didn't complain. I wanted to run. And I wanted it now.

"As soon as you're ready for the combat training, you'd be good to try the transforming again, I reckon," Feytan said. My heart fluttered. "And that's going to be rather soon."

And my heart skipped a beat.

"You really think that?" I asked happily.

Feytan nodded, while throwing me my leather flask. The fresh water disappeared into me, a refreshment and hydration all at once.

"I'm glad," I exhaled. "I've been longing after my first run."

"Do you know where you'd want to go to?"

I hadn't thought about it yet. "Anywhere. Doesn't really matter. I just want to run, feel the freedom, the wind ruffling in my fur."

"Running truly is great. But don't get caught up in it. I'd miss our human chatter if you'd never change back."

Wolves who refused to return to their human lives were rare, but they existed. They were mostly wolves with broken lives, like me. With nothing to lose, unlike me. I still had friends, even if not all of them lived with me in Rahas.

But no matter if Benjamin stayed behind in Spitta. I couldn't bear one day running into him, and him not being able to recognize me, because of my wolven form. Benjamin fearing me. Running from me. Or in the worst case, trying to kill me.

Or me trying to kill him. Who knew what my mind would be like if I'd never change back?

"I've got to go now," Feytan interrupted my train of thought. "But I'll see you later, Sari. Oh, and before I forget, lunch is in the other dining room today."

"Why?" Had it anything to do with why he had to leave earlier today?

"Cailean's coming to visit," he said, before he ran off, probably because he had to be part of the welcoming committee.

"Cailean's coming to visit," he said, before he ran off, probably because he had to be part of the welcoming committee

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