Suki's Exit.

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Kenji: i look up at the sky "suki...why did you abandon us why did you leave us why did you leave the server! All the ppl.." my eyes start watering "suki...please come home...we miss you"

Lee: I slowly look away, thinking of all the memories as a single tear drops onto the ground painted with the rain, "s-suki....... where thou have gone?"

Mars: *i turn around encouragingly* dont worry guys... they will come back. i know they will. *i sniff softly*

Yara: Suki, where hath thou goneth faraway on such a sacred day

Nomi: My dear comradeths, we musth looketh for the goneth suki

Mars: sukieth.... cometh backeth to useth. we misseth youth

Kenji: "i.....Mars..but how!...they never want us...they never even cared!" I start sobbing "i just...want sukiyaki back..."

Mars: "I do too... im sorry kennie wennie............" *as i look down at my feet i remember all the fun things me and suski did.... all the memories come rushing back and i break down sobbing to the floor*

Lee: my eyes start to water as I try to balance my body to stand, I start shaking, my breathing slows as my sight becomes blurry.... "how dare thou suki leaveth u?!" I scream like the alpha I am, I sniff the scent of rain and start growling. "SUKI😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡"

Kenji: "Mars...MARS!" *i run to mars pulling them into a hug "don't cry...please it's okay...they will come back i promise.." *i look up at the sky and whisper to myself* "i can't promise..mars.."

Mars: "ok" *i look up slowly and i hug kennie wennie softly*

Yara: Oh, our deareth beloved Suki, where hath thou goneth, leaving thy precious valued members behind on this wretched day, dropping us into the filthy dust to rot for all of eternity 😭

Kenji: "...see now stop crying's gonna be alright...sukiyaki will come back i know you guys were good friends but so we're me and suki and we will get through this together" *i say gently hugging mars*

Mars: "T-Thank you... Kenji."

Lee: our suki has left us in the rain... our blood, sweat and tears wasted on a beast like them! How dare they walk amongst us when they have abandoned us to leave our souls to go emotionless.. to leave our bodies numb.. to leave our eyes flooded with tears because of the slight thought of our belovedeth...

Mars: "Lee!"

Lee: "MARS?!"

Mars: "I need you to calm down... you are an alpha! you must be careful!"

Lee: "n-no.. I cant.. I'm so-GRRRRR"

Mars: Lee...

Lee: "I cant handle my angRRRR"

Mars: im also an alpha! i figured out my anger. so can you... lee.

Lee: mars... please... help mGRRRRRRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHHH

Kenji: *i stand up* "lee mars and everyone else! We will get through this no matter what i know you miss suki but so do i but we need to be strong we have to be alphas be omegas anything you want suki will be in our hearts forever" *my eyes start watering*

Mars: "Kenji is right.... we must get through this together.. as a pack!"

Lee: "yeah.. I guess so....."

Kenji: "now let's go! we'll start a life without suki no matter what! We will stand together" i say trying to smile

Mars: *i see through kenjis fake smile but i dont say anything.* "right...!" *i look down worried knowing that this might cost us a heavy price at some point...*

Kenji: "aha....yea good spirit mars" i look at them sending a smile

Credits: Lee, Yara, Nomi, Erna, and Kenji in a discord server when suki left without telling us

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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