No cure

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Anna's pov

I was in the waiting room waiting to see the third specialist but I doubt he will know what was wrong with me either. "Anna Jones?" one of the nurses calls out I raise my hand and she waved me over. I Followed her and she had my weight taken while waiting for the doctor then I just waited in one of the rooms and started watching the first episode of Supernatural on my phone I was at the part where Constance Welch possessed Baby when the doctor walked in. I put my phone down ignored the pit in my stomach and gave him a fake smile "Hi are you Anna?" I nodded "ok Anna let's see what's been bothering you." after he does an extensive check-up and I went home knowing I am gonna die is two days but nobody knew what it was I was the first person to ever have it so I watched supernatural just crying after three episodes I calmed down enough to call all my family so I spent the two days with them and I was going home to die peacefully when I remembered crossroad demons when I passed a crossroad. I slammed on my brakes and made the snap decision to try to summon one. I put the tin on the ground and waited when I heard nothing I was disappointed and just started going back to my car when I heard a male's voice "going anywhere sweet cheeks?" I turn around and freak out "what?! How the hell is this possible?!" the demon rolls his eyes well you have seen the show so I think you know how this is possible "I nodded at the strange man "so do you know what I want or do you need me to tell you?" the demon smirks, "I think I have an idea of it but go ahead tell me." I took a deep breath "I just want ten more years I still got stuff to do and my parents are devastated they shouldnt have to burry their daughter." the demon shakes there head "sorry but you're already dead to this world." I hide how upset I am and just say "well then have fun back in hell because your not gonna make any other deals." the demon chuckles "I dont think your gonna want to do that after you hear what I have to say..." I think for a second "well I am gonna die soon so speak." the demon's eyes flash red "well I could always send you to "supernatural" as you call it but don't think we won't come for you in ten years." I think about it "ten years is better than none but I have a few ultimatums I will be put at the beginning of the show, I can die but will be brought back and same with the Winchester brothers or other main characters, yes we will still hunt and the storyline will still be the same, I am sams roommate in College I'm the same age as sam. The demon moved closer to me "you got yourself a deal sweet cheeks." the demon says before kissing me sealing the deal. Next thing I know I hear a ruckus outside my bedroom door. I go to check it out and nearly pass out when I hear dean say "heya sweetheart I knew Sammy got a girlfriend but I did not think she would be this hot! You are way out of my brothers league!" I blush smiling "well I thank you for the compliment but I'm just his and his girlfriend's roommate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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