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Punz headcannons
.C!punz is the type of person to be so strong in a public relationship but the minute you to are alone he is so clingy
C!punz loves to lay on your chest when your going asleep

(This one is for the trans males)
.When you came out to punz as trans the first thing he did was go onto his phone and chang your name from "❤my wonderful girlfriend 🌷" to "❤my one and only boyfriend🌈"
The next day punz got you a binder and a trans flag

(For girls and trans men)
.When you get your period he goes out and gets you a little basket with chocolate pads and hot water bottles

(For all)
.Punz will let you were his hoodie when no one is about but when people qre there you can't were it(he just does not wanna get called a simp

.C!punz will always make the bed in the morning while you are still in it so it's less work for you

(Trans male)
.Every morning punz will help my put on your binder he hates seeing you struggle

.When your body dysmorphia is bad he will not let you go outside because he hate seeing you sad are anything like that

.Every day he will put an 8 hour timer on so he knows when you need to take your binder off

Punz hates seeing you cleen and cook all the time and will let you cook and he will clean and the next day you two will swap

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